Chapter 12

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'Wait! What????' Magnus looked at Alec who was sleeping adorably on his chest. He was already snoring.

'Must be sleep talking' Magnus tried to argue.

'Was that supposed to be for me? I mean YOU LOVE ME??? What... Freaking... What the fuuuuuck... Oh my god I'm going crazy.' Magnus overworked his brain till he fall asleep from exhaustion.

             Even though he went to sleep really late it was Magnus who woke up first. Chairman had find his way to his papa and may be his future daddy. Chairman jumped into Magnus's chest demanding food. It was freaking 5am in the morning and Magnus went to sleep around 3.30. Magnus groaned and opened his eyes. Alec was now sleeping on his arm. Magnus slowly took his hand and got up from the bed before Chairman wake up Alec too.

"A very good to wake me up"

         Magnus glared at Chairman. Chairman didn't give a shit about his crazy papa's whining. He showed Magnus the way to the kitchen. Magnus went after chairman while mumbling something and scratching his head.

           While he was at it Magnus prepared breakfast for them too. After all even though Magnus is a night owl he had to start his day early in the morning. So was Alec but he was still sleeping. Magnus was going to wait to another half and hour and wake up Alec. If not he was going to be late. Magnus was doubting. He doubting about brining up the topic he wanted to talk with Alec and then again he decided not to tell anything.

           They only spent two nights together. And one night was a pure mistake. (That is what Magnus thinks) They have been eternal enemies for more than a decade. They kissed with some feelings only yesterday. Magnus didn't know where they were standing as two people. Frenemies? friends with benefits?? Enemies who have sex ??? Or are they dating????? Magnus didn't know and he thought 6am is too early to think about such a thing.

             Magnus was overthinking when Alec came to the kitchen while rubbing his eyes. His pants were hanging really low and he was not wearing a shirt. His hair was messier than other times and he looked fucking  adorable. And why the heck this sight felt so right. Magnus could get used to this. Magnus shook his head and looked at sleepy Alec.

"Good Morning"

"morning. Want a coffee?"

"Yes please" (They were acting like soft boyfriends.)

"sugar or cream?"

"Don't add any"

"urgh..." Magnus said while passing the black coffee to Alec.

"What time is it?" Magnus looked at the clock.

"10 past 6. You have time I guess"

"Yeah like half an hour."

"Wait for breakfast?"

"Can I?"

                 Alec looked surprised. Actually he expected Magnus to kick him out early in the morning, no matter how romantic and hot their night was.

"Of course"

"That is lots of food" Alec said while looking at all delicious looking food Magnus had prepared for them. He was not complaining. After all he was really hungry. Magnus had made Sunny side ups , chocolate chip pancakes, crispy bacon, sausages, toasties, orange juice and even mash potatoes .

"I made everything since I don't know what you like" Magnus replied. Alec felt
Extremely glad when Magnus said that.

"I'm not a picky eater"Alec said while sitting on a chair and then suddenly he winced as the his back was hurting. Magnus looked at Alec and smirked. Alec was blushing into a deep red shade.

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