Chapter 16

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"Magnus, I'm really really sorry" Izzy said to Magnus as soon as anyone couldn't see them.

"For what Iz?"

"For my stupid brother. We didn't know.. I mean I didn't know you wanted that.. But what he said is stupid. Like totally." Magnus smiled at her and turned open a wine bottle.

"It's much better than getting rejected after the proposal Isabelle. So I'm kinda glad that I know now Alexander thinks about marriage. I mean I'm such a fool. We didn't even talk about  that topic yet and yet I jumped into conclusions and decided everything on my own." Magnus poured drinks while talking.

"May be he is not ready. May be he doesn't see a future with me." Izzy tried to talk but Magnus stopped her.

"No Isabelle , just because you love a person you can't spend rest of your life with them. My parents loved each other but my dad, he couldn't tolerate all the responsibilities of being a husband and a dad, so he left my mom. Just being in love won't make you a good life partner. We need to share responsibilities, we need to make decisions and we both have to agree on things even though we have different kind of point if view. So that is reasonable. I now know what Alec meant. And we are new to this relationship. Like really new. So..."

          Once he started talking he couldn't stop. He had to pour all of them out and talking to Izzy was always a good method. She didn't judge anyone and she is a good listener.

"I understand. You two have time. Let's hope everything will be better"

"yes" Magnus smiled weakly.

       Izzy took wine glasses and Magnus went to et beer for Jace and Alec. When Izzy went back to where others were, atmosphere was gloomy. They weren't talking and Alec still seemed clueless. Izzy glared at Alec before sitting down and soon after Magnus came with beers.

"Here we go!"

       Magnus handed Jace and Alec their drinks and sat down next to Mary who gave a sad smile as soon as he sat down. Magnus smiled at her as to make her assure that he is okay.

"Aha.. I needed this after all that tasteless food" Jace said.

"Said someone who pouted because he didn't get a third serving."

"How many calories do you think we consumed today?" Izzy asked suddenly.

"Doesn't matter. My metabolism is so high" Jace said while taking another sip from his beer. Magnus and Alec rolled their eyes together.

"I didn't understand what you are talking about." Mary suddenly said.

            Their silly conversation continued till the mid night and everyone were light hearted when they left Alec's and Magnus's apartment. Magnus and Alec were also happy about the little family time they had. After everyone left Chairman came out from his room.

"Aha my lord is here" Magnus giggled. Chairman doesn't likely  be in crowded places. Whenever there were lot of people chairman just go to his room and sleep. Chairman came to Magnus and climbed on to his lap and waited. Magnus slowly scratched behind chairman's ear. Alec was in the bathroom and Magnus decided to take a shower later so having chairman's companion till then was not bad.

"Did you sleep well meow? I'm exhausted now. I wish I was also a cat. You know? I can sleep whenever I want. I can eat whenever I want. No big deals. Just lazy around the house and act cute. That would have been great." Magnus sighed. But he heard Meow's purring sound and Magnus felt like he just melted a bit.

" How come you are so beautiful and cute?" Magnus slowly ran his hands through Chairman's short legs.

"Meow?" Chairman looked at Magnus.

Hate before love? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ