I'm Just Like You

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Before you guys go scream at how I'm all on the other side, I'm letting you know several things right now.

First off, I'm just like a lot of you. I'm a college student so you know what that already means right? I can't afford to spend so much either because I have to save for my tuition, my coursework materials, etc. In short, I don't have a lot of money to spend on anything that's not necessary either.

And before that, I was just another teen who couldn't buy things online because I didn't had that type of money either and let's face it, it's not like our parents are going to exactly agree with it, am I right?

Oh, and one other thing, yes I work. I've worked since college. I'm just pointing this out right now in case someone mentions to get a job. I've seen comments pointing this question at the authors that are in Wattpad Next. Because this comment is so special, I'm leaving a whole chapter in dissecting this - yes, this comment from readers inquiring authors to go get a job.

Look, I joined Wattpad a couple of months ago and I was salivating from the chance to read all these free books. But I also joined Wattpad seeing it was a great potential place to expand as an amateur writer. Some of these writers out here though, they make pretty amazing stuff and they're not just amateur writers like me and many others.

Which is why I'm a bit surprised at how the community responded to them when some of them decided to join Wattpad Next.

Okay, let's face it. We're all a little broke here aren't we? Who doesn't want free stuff? And honestly, there are things I wish to point out in Wattpad Next too because the way it was implemented isn't exactly a 100% great. 

Now, I like how some of these comments argued their side with logics or asked good questions to the authors about the program in a mannerly way (some do have good points). But some of these comments (well, a lot of these comments) to these authors are just so...

You know that feeling when sometimes people go overboard on their anger and what they dislike? That the way they argue have just become to trashing certain things, subjects, "people," and makes you want to turn the other way? 

At the end of the day, rude comments just stay rude comments - they don't persuade your side of the story.

They don't make your arguments win against Wattpad Next.

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