Weeds - Chapter Sixteen

Start from the beginning

I nod.

"Well she flew in for the weekend and you know she hates Danielle so she doesn't want to stay home so I was wondering if you'd mind keeping her company at the lock down?" he said all this in one breath and he was staring at me intently.

Ellie Dawson was from England and I had met her on various occasions when we were younger, we would always team up against Cole that girl had a gift for prancing.

I shrugged, "Sure."

"Really?" His face lit up.

I nod, he jumped out of his stool and embraced me into an enormous bear hug thanking me, I patted his back awkwardly before he released me.

When Cole left he told me he'd meet up with me at school, I changed out of my soggy clothes and wondered how no one had noticed the dripping mascara on my face, or even if they had noticed why they hadn't asked.

And then I remembered, water proof mascara.

After taking a quick shower I put on a pair of jeans, an old faded blue shirt, and my trusty All-Stars. Tossing my hair into a bun at the top of my head I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs.

Logan was seated on the couch reading a book, his dirty blonde hair was tousled up and he was in a fresh batch of clothes. There was a doufflebag at his feet , Emma was sitting beside him with a bag as well.

Elliott came out from the kitchen a frown playing on his face, "So are you going to the lock down?"

I nodded, "Yup. You?"

He nodded.

I grabbed the keys to the car Bridget and I shared, luckily she rarely used it since her friends always drove her around.

When we finally arrived at the school after dropping Logan off I parked at the back of the lot, as usual. I didn't like parking near the school because that usually led to some idiot driver bumping into you when they left since it was more cramped at the front.

Emma ran to her friends the second the car came to a halt insisting she couldn't be seen with us, specifically me since I was the un popular one in this situation.

Cole texted me to meet him near my locker and I complied, tugging Elliott with me. I'm not sure if you could call it tugging when all I had to do was tell him to come with me.

At my locker stood both Cole and Ellie, they were both having a hushed conversation and when they noticed us, Ellie paled considerably under the florescent light when her eyes traveled over Elliott.

"Elliott?" She asked almost unsure in her posh British accent.

Elliott looked indifferent as always , his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes emotionless, "Ellie, how's Nathaniel?"

She swallowed hard making her throat tense, "He's good. How are you?"

"I'm fine," He lowered his head towards me, "I'm going to get a drink."

I nodded towards him in shock and he turned to walk away. How the hell do those two know each other? Ellie lives in England for god sake.

When I turned to Cole he had an equally confused look on his face and we both turned to Ellie expectantly.

"What?" She asked.

"How do you know him?" Cole asked narrowing his eyes.

"Around," She answered vaguely, we both glared at her, "Alright! Gosh it's not like shagged the guy, he's just a friend of a friend."

Before either of us could question her any further she enveloped me in a large bear hug, her being a good four inches shorter than me feel abnormally large in comparison.

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