"Wait... How is that possible?"

"Jeanine Matthews had a sister called Annabelle who transferred to Candor. She married a man called Richard and they had Lee together. I know that it's always faction before blood but it could have something to do with it? I don't know, I'm probably wrong, it was just a thought..." I trailed off, unsure if I should have mentioned it.

"You might have a point there, after all, Dauntless and Erudite have always worked closely together, I'll look into it. Now eat, we need to be down in the training room soon," he said, gesturing to the food on the table. I grabbed a blueberry muffin and sat nibbling on it, not feeling particularly hungry after this news and the thought of having to see Lee soon.

"You not hungry?" Eric asked after a little while of silence, tucking into his third piece of toast.

"Not particularly, sorry."

"Don't apologise, it's understandable," he said, glancing up at me whilst swallowing the last of his toast and grabbing an apple, "now I'll need to leave in a few minutes as I need to go and set up, but when you come down and your friends ask where you were last night just tell them the infirmary. I've already got the girl who was on the night shift last night to agree to the story in case anyone asks."

I nodded slowly, somehow a bit disappointed by what he was saying. Was he embarrassed that he had helped me? The way he reacted about Lee getting off had made me think he might care a little bit about me, but what if all this was just him fulfilling his duties of being a leader and a trainer?

I looked up as I heard Eric's chair scraping against the floor. "I'll see you in 10," he said as he left the apartment and shut the door behind him.

I sighed, running a hand over my head and tightening my ponytail. I decided I couldn't go to training without my make up as I really couldn't face appearing weak, so I left Eric's apartment and walked down to the shop.

As I walked in I saw that it was the same woman who was there a few days ago when I came in for a little retail therapy.

"Ah, first jumper Iris!" she exclaimed as I walked towards the till.

"Hey Maggie," I replied, chuckling slightly.

"Surely you're not back for more clothes already?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head, "no, no, just here to ask for a cheeky favour?"

"And what might that be?" she asked, her eyebrow still raised.

"Well I didn't really have access to my make up this morning, so I was wondering if I could just use one of your eyeliner and mascara testers?" I asked her, a hopeful look on my face.

"Ooh, and why didn't you have access? Were you not in your dormitory this morning?" she replied, a knowing smile on her face.

"Well no, but it's not-"

"No, stop, I'm not going to embarrass you any further! Go ahead and use the testers," she said, giggling slightly. I rolled my eyes at her, letting out a quiet laugh too as I walked towards the makeup. I quickly applied my make up and looked up at the clock realising I only a had a couple of minutes until I had to be in the training room and cursed under my breath.

"Thanks Maggie, you're an absolute star!" I said as I walked towards the exist.

"That's me! See you around Iris!"

I started running towards the training room and managed to get there just in time. Sage, Chase, and Jasper all looked up at me with faces full of questions but didn't have the chance to ask any as Four had just started speaking.

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