Chapter 7

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I couldn’t get a grip, everything was making me cautious. I jumped every time someone would place their hand on my shoulder, trying to get my attention to see if I was ok. I would squeal or gasp whenever someone called my name, trying to catch my attention. All of those encounters ended with the same thing, those creeped out faces that told me the one things that I was starting to believe,... I was crazy.


I was a ticking time bomb a few seconds away from blowing up, my heart was racing uncontrollably now. I was officially out of control and there was nothing I could possibly do about all thanks to Liam and the nurse. Two out of about five hundred other people in this school were werewolves and now that leaves me with how many others were going to catch on that I knew their little secret.


“Hey Alana!”


I let out a scream as I whipped around to face the person. Zale walked up to me slowly, his hands held up in surrender. “Sorry Zale, I am just a little freaked out.” I placed a hand on my forehead and let out a sigh as I wiped away a little bit of sweat.


“What exactly did Liam do to you?” he asked, caution evident in his every word. Even he knew that I was now a bomb by the way I reacted to him calling my name. He didn’t have any classes with me the rest of the afternoon so he never got a chance to actually talk to me, now he knows though.


“It wasn’t Liam,” I lied, glancing around at the students. They all looked carefree as they held conversations with people by their lockers. Their eyes bright with happiness or pity at something someone had told them, there wasn’t a hint of black in any of their eyes. I couldn’t trust any of them, no wolf ever goes without a pack; not even a werewolf.


“Then wh-” he was cut off when his cell phone started to ring, the sound making me flinch slightly. He fished through his pocket until he pulled out his shiny phone and stared down at the screen, a frown forming on his lips. “I will be right back I need to take this.”


I nodded my head and turned in the opposite direction of him, heading to my locker to retrieve my books. I had tons of homework that I shoved in my locker after I visited my first three teachers of the day, each of them had caught onto my strange attitude quickly.


“Have you seen Twilight yet?” a girl asked her friend at the locker next to me. “I love Jacob, not to mention he is a werewolf.” She let out a sigh, letting her head rest on the locker. “That is so hot!”


I gripped my dial a little tighter in my fingers as I turned it to the last number of my combination, the click of my locker popping open confirming that I got it right. I continued to listen to their conversation as I dropped one of my books into the back before picking up my folder with all my work in it.


Their every word made me scowl as the continued to talk about how hot all the boys in the pack were. I felt my stomach dip as one of them even went as far as wishing that she actually wished werewolves were real and that she knew one. She wouldn’t be saying that when she came face to face with one, the actual reality of one standing in front of you is much worse.


“Sorry about that,” Zale said as he suddenly made his appearance next to me once more.

Rebellious to Rejection *Young Writers Prize*Where stories live. Discover now