Blake And Sammy?!

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Your cousin's life in the forest and you could feel their energy.

"Baby I love you! I want you and you know you want me back." Hunter's voice was lustful.

"HEY, JERK FACE!!!!" Sammy shouted with a hiss in her voice. Hunter look back and got sent flying into a large tree.

Your POV:

"Sammy!!" I shouted to my beautiful tall cousin.

"That not all shouty!" Blake yelled running into Jeff.

"Blake you here too?" I looked at Blake on top of Jeff.

"GET OFF ME I'M (Y/N) NOT YOURS!!!" Jeff hollered at Blake.

"Wow chill dude I know your my cousin's mate and besides I have my girl," Blake said calmly getting off of Jeff. Hunter got up and ran to me but Jeff jumped in the way.

I quickly pushed him out of the way and took the hit. After all, I'm a full hell hound know yep the dark red eye, sharp teeth, a tail, and husky ears. Sammy looked at me with a smile.

"(Y/n) you look amazing!" Sammy shouted and Jeff got up running past us. He slicks Hunter's throat and stabbed him in the heart. Jeff spits on Hunter's dying body.


"Jeff?" I was walking to him.

"Jeff?" I called a little louder and touched his shoulder. He turned around and kiss my forehead.

"Haha, you okay (Y/n) I'll NEVER let anyone TOUCH you again. I'm the only one who can." Jeff still kissed me with a wide smile.

"Same here baby." I looked at his eye then were red and I saw them flash to his beautiful sea-blue eyes. He was calm and put me in a hug.

"Hey, Shouty!" Blake yelled pulling me out of Jeff's arms and hugging me.

"Let go of her," Jeff growled at him.

"Babe chill this is Blake my cousin," I told the pissed-off teen with a murder complex.

"I know it's just I won't let ANYBODY touch you." Jeff pleaded his voice shaking.

"Look Jeff I get it you love her but setting her away from her family isn't right. Not letting me hug your flesh and blood isn't fair." Blake protested but before I know it I was being pulled back into the cabin up the stair and into Jeff's room the door locked.

"YOUR MINE!!!" He yelled at me. I stood then shanking not saying a word. I was scared of him I know he is a serial killer but I love him. I run up to him grabbing his hair pulling him closer to my body and kissing him gently.

(Time skip)

Jeff and I fell asleep in each other arms. (Mind out of the gutter you guys. Nothing happened.)

Jeff's POV:

The next morning I woke up to see (Y/n) still asleep in my arm and cuddled up to me. Someone knocked on the door and I carefully got up to see who it was without waking my devil. I opened the door and saw Ben standing there. I sighed.

"Hello, Benjamin." He looked inside and saw (Y/n) asleep like a beautiful angel. I blocked his view of (Y/n) by moving my body to block her from his sight.

"Hi, Jeff I need to talk to (Y-" I cut him off.

"No way in hell you are talking to (Y/n) and if you haven't noticed her asleep. " I snarled looking at the short elf. He glared at me and walked off with a frown.

He called back, "Okay I'll just talk to her later." With that, he kept walking. Like hell, he will over my dead body. I saw Blake walking by.

"Hey um, Blake I'm sorry for snapping it's just I'm overprotective of (Y/n)." He looked at me.

"Hey we're cool I get that way with my girl too just you need to trust her family and plus your in the fam now so don't go trying to kill your cousins okay." He smiled.

I gave him a nod and he walked away waiting to have them make their selves at home in my house. I ran down the stair and into the living room. I saw James and Carder asleep on the floor. Liu and Jess were asleep in each other's arms.

The smile was walking into my bedroom probably to wake up (Y/n)... Wake up (Y/n)!! Oh no I ran in front of Smile he wagged his tail and licked my hand.

"Hey, bud let's not wake up (Y/n)," I said calmly to the dog. He stop wagging his tail and walked into the room. He jumped on the bed and lay next to her.

His head facing the end of the bed ready to bite anyone who tried to touch (Y/n) I guess he got attached to her just like I did. Oh, I know what I'll do to make my beautiful girl some breakfast. I got back downstairs and go to the kitchen. I got the eggs and bacon out of the fridge plus a pan.

I put the pan on the stove turn the heat on and put a little olive oil into the pan. I cracked two eggs into a bowl and added a little milk steering it in, and poured it into the pan. I started scrambling eggs and frying the beacon but as I was cooking I felt (Y/n)'s arm around my waist.

"Morning baby," I said still cooking her breakfast.

"Good morning Jeffy." She was happy on a lovely morning like this. I felt a rush through my blood. I dropped the spatula I was using and I felt the rush again this time a little stronger. Damn, I'm getting this feeling again.

"h.Hey, c...Cup..cake ... away from me." I tried to get this urge under control. (Y/n) gave me a questionable eyebrow.

"Jeff what's going on?" She looked at me with worry. I saw Carder restrain me and I felt dizzy. All I saw was (Y/n) worried pretty (e/n) eyes flooding with tears and then darkness.

The Boy In The Straight Jacket (Jeff The Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now