Chapter Ten

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"I did not know you guys were in a band!" I say to Holden and Jack, as we sit together in the union. It's Monday, and I'm starting to like this little habit we've created, eating together after our cinema class.

Jack laughs, "I mean it's not something we brag about, like 'Oh hey I'm Jack and I'm in a band.'"

"That's so cool though," I tell them, "When did you guys form it?"

"Last year," Holden says with his mouth full, "Jack, Matt, Fox and I were all in the same dorm and lived next door to each other."

"Were you two roommates?" I ask them.

Holden shakes his head, "Nah, I was with Foxy. Jack and Matt know each other from Ohio."

"I can't believe I have friends in a band, I'm like a total groupie now." I wink.

"Who said we're friends?" Jack laughs. I throw a piece of chicken at him and he tosses a french fry my way. I stop smiling when I see Fox headed our way, wearing what looks to be a vintage mechanic shirt left opened with a white shirt beneath and jeans. I hate that he always looks good, even when he wears weird stuff.

It takes me a second, but then I notice Jeannie beside him. She's in a black skirt, a white bodysuit, and black boots. Her dark hair is up in a bun and she's got a full face of makeup on. She looks flawless. I almost roll my eyes, but I hold back.

The two of them approach us, taking a seat in the empty chairs next to Jack. "What's up?" Fox asks calmly, though he looks at everyone but me.

"How was your exam?" Holden asks him.

"You have exams all the time," Jack adds.

Fox sighs, putting his arm on Jack's chair, "Life of an engineering major. It was alright, though. Pretty sure I passed."

I sit there awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with Fox. After his weird conversation with me on Friday, I don't know where we stand. I'm so used to him being an asshole.

"Can I have a bite?" He says, but I don't look up. It takes me a few moments to realize he was talking to me.

I look up and the three of them are staring right at me. I look at my food, which again, is chicken tenders. I silently hand him one and he takes it, grinning at me.

"How are you, Captain?" He asks me, still grinning as he chews. "Do you remember how to talk?"

Jeannie laughs, and I shoot a glare in her direction. "I'm doing well," I say, eyeing him. If he wants to challenge me, then it's on. "How are you?"

"I'm great."

"How are you, Jeannie?" I ask, eyeing her.

She smirks, "I'm great."

Holden chokes, and Jack's eyes dash back and forth between Fox and I. Fox stares at me, clearing knowing what I'm doing here. Holden clears his throat, "Looks like everyone is great."

Jack shakes his hands, looking confused, "Hold on, you know Jeannie?"

"I met her the other night. She was waiting for Fox to meet her in his room, actually." I explain. I see Fox tense, but I don't acknowledge it.

Holden gives Fox a look, which Fox returns, and they both look back at me. I shrug, knowing they're looking, and continue eating my food.

"We have a show on Saturday," Holden says nonchalantly, looking at me for a response. "You should come."

"Cool, where at?" I ask.

"The Port. It's a bar, though, so it's probably not your vibe," Fox says to me.

"Probably not," Jeannie says, "But you should totally come."

I frown. They must really think I'm some sensitive, fragile girl. "Don't act like you know what my vibe is," I respond to Fox, then look at Holden, "Count me in."

Fox shakes his head in annoyance and I grin. Fox, 0, Olivia, 1.

"So you're really coming?" Jack asks me.

I shrug, "Are my rockstar friends putting me on the guest list?"

"Duh, we'll add your roommate, too." Holden tells me. He pulls out his phone from his pocket and hands it to me, "Put in your phone number."

I insert my number into his phone, and then Jack hands me his. I do the same, putting pink heart emojis next to my name in both of their phones. I had to add a personal touch, of course.

I hand the phone back to Jack, and impulsively my eyes dash to Fox. He sits there with his arms crossed over his chest, looking at me, smiling. I don't know if I expect him to want my number or not, but I don't offer. And he doesn't ask.

Holden gives me a few more details about their concert on Saturday, making me promise that I'll be there. I pinky-promise him that Laura, Claire and I will attend. Well, I tell him there's a 50/50 chance Laura will attend, but Claire and I will definitely be there.

As we're talking more about the week ahead, Fox and Holden both tense as they look at the entrance of the union. Jack follows their gaze and sighs, muttering, "Let it go, guys."

"Oh, shit." Jeannie whispers.

I turn to what they're looking at, which is only two Ridgewater baseball players entering the union. One of them, in a baseball cap, turns and stares at our table.

"Nice to see you, Bloom. Where's the second cell?" the baseball player asks. "Actually, I prefer the third."

"Fuck you, Jeremy." Fox spits. The veins in his neck are popping out, and Holden's eyes are tense. Everyone except Jack and I look ready to fight.

The baseball players head toward our table, though they stop a few feet away. "We need to finish what we started last year." The other one says to Fox and Holden.

Holden, with his jaw tense, responds, "Just tell us the day and time."

Jeremy, the baseball player with the cap, grabs an apple off of a random table, and takes a bite. "I'll be sure to do that."

He turns and chucks the apple into a trash can, "Another apple gone, just like it deserved."

Fox immediately scrambles to his feet, and Holden follows suit, grabbing Fox's shoulder. People in the union are starting to notice, everyone watching this scene.

"Let it go!" Jack yells angrily, standing and pulling Fox back down. "Fuck off, Jeremy. We'll see you when you tell us the day. Now fuck off."

Confused, I remain sitting and silent. That's the meanest I've ever seen Jack act. He's usually happy and cracking jokes. Fox and Holden both sit, their breath nearly returning to normal. Fox is gripping my cup of tea, his knuckles turning crimson.

Jeannie is glaring at the baseball players as they walk away. I look at Fox as he stares at the cup, his chest still moving up and down. "Fuck those guys," I say quietly, taking a bite of a fry.

Holden chuckles, "You're telling me."

I wait for him to continue, but he doesn't. During the rest of our lunch, Fox remains silent, and I can't help but wonder what Jeremy meant when he said they had to finish what they started.

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