Chapter Eight

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After putting the finishing touches on my hair and makeup, the three of us head outside of the dorm while Laura orders us an Uber. Since we all might drink tonight and Claire and I left our cars in Minnesota, we agreed to get a driver.

Our Uber arrives to the house within minutes, and we climb out and wave goodbye to our driver. The house was so close to campus that we easily could've walked, but better safe than sorry. The house is already crowded with students piling through the front door, some carrying cases of beer and bottles of liquor.

A hockey player wearing his jersey is standing with the front door open, smiling as we all walk in. He eyes Claire, Laura, and I as we approach.

"You came!" he says, speaking to Laura. She grins at him flirtatiously, then looks back at Claire and I. "And I brought friends," she giggles. We walk past him after he makes a promise to speak to her inside. Inside of the house, music is blasting and the room feels immediately twenty degrees hotter than outside. The house is crowded, but becomes more roomy when we enter the living room.

A boy approaches us with a red solo cup, offering us a drink. I know better than to accept a drink from a stranger, so I decline on behalf of the three of us. I don't want to get super drunk tonight. Not only do I not like the taste of alcohol, but I want to be aware of my surroundings. This is my first college party, who knows what could happen?

Unsure of how to act at a college party, the three of us girls stand in the living room making small talk with each other, hoping someone will come join the conversation. College parties aren't as wild as people imagine. People mostly stand around, drink, and talk.

Another hockey player walks up to us and introduces himself as Mason. He's a junior studying Business, and apparently this is technically his house, but most of the hockey team lives there. He's quite nice, offering us anything in the kitchen and telling us to make ourselves at home, and if anyone makes us feel uncomfortable, we can go find him.

After a few minutes of chatting, Mason leaves to welcome more guests, but we get invited to join a group in the living room. A few of the girls in the group are also freshman, which makes me feel better. I didn't want to be the only newbies at the party.

After some time, I feel the need to go to the bathroom, so I look downstairs for the nearest one. Unfortunately for me, the line for the bathroom downstairs has at least ten people waiting, so I decide to explore and find one upstairs. The house is huge and is home to a team of boys, so they have to have more than one bathroom.

Upstairs, a few doors only lead me to bedrooms, until I find a door that's closed, but I can tell from the doorway that a light is on inside. I assume it's a bathroom, so I stand along the wall and wait for someone to finish.

I check my phone and I'm surprised to see a text from Adam. He hadn't responded to my message last week, so I figured he'd forgotten about me and moved on. I open the message and read it slowly.

 I open the message and read it slowly

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