Being Torn In Two

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~ This chapter is for my one of my best friends in the whole world, Katie! ~

~ Katie's Point Of View ~

It was right after Moon had assigned Crona to become roommates with Katie. She was showing him to the room.

I can't believe that Moon did this! Roommates with a guy?! That's awful! I mean, there's only one bed in the room! He's sleeping on the floor for sure!

Katie had arrived to her door, with Crona following close behind. She slid the key into its slot, then pulled it out. There was a loud clicking sound, and a green light flashed on. She opened the door, and glanced behind her to make sure Crona was following. He was, they both proceeded into the room.

It had gotten dark out, so Katie decided to change into her pajamas. "Here's the room. It's nothing much. I'm going to change into my pj's." She dug into her bag for her sleepwear, and went into the bathroom to change. When she came back out in a light pink nightie, she found Crona who was looking through a book of nearby attractions that was on the table. He must've sensed Katie come out, because he looked up at her nervously.

He just stared at her, and his face became noticeably red. "What are you looking at me like that for?" she wondered.

Crona immediately looked down, and apologized. "Sorry, sorry..."

"Don't worry. It's cool." Katie forgave him.

I think I'm going to visit Soul again...

She started to walk towards the door, not caring that she was in her nightie. "Where are you going?" she heard Crona ask.

"I'm going to go visit my good friend, Soul if you don't mind. You've got the place to yourself for a while. See ya!" Katie shut the door behind her before Crona could answer. She headed towards Soul's door and knocked. After a few seconds, Soul answered. He looked her up and down, then smiled.

"Hey sexy, where have you been? I've been waiting for you. Why didn't you come any other night?"

He let her in, and shut the door behind them. "Sorry, I was just so tired the past few nights."

"It's cool. I'm just glad you came over that one night Moon was looking for you. You did a great job hiding yourself."

Katie smiled. "Thanks, I'm one to be silent." But before she could say anything more, Soul took her face in his hands and kissed her. The pair both blushed a bright red.

"I'm glad you're my girlfriend, Katie. Let's not tell anyone. Ever." Soul pleaded.

Katie smiled at him. "Okay."

They were full on making out, pressing their lips to each others hard, and taking turns shoving their tongues down their throats. It seemed like ages before they stopped. Katie looked up at him and smiled. "Well, this was another great visit, but I should be getting back to my room."

Katie slowly made her way back to her room, and knocked. There was no answer. She knocked again. "Crona! It's Katie! Open up!" Soon after she said this, Crona opened the door. "What, were you afraid it was someone else?"

Crona blushed. "Sorry."

"It's cool." Katie walked into the room, and got into bed. She looked over at Crona, who was unsure of where to sleep. "You can sleep on the floor. You're not sleeping next to me."

Crona looked up sadly. "Oh, okay. I'm used to sleeping on the floor, anyway." He stared at her for another moment, then looked away. He layed on the floor, his back turned to Katie.

He's used to sleeping on the floor? How bad did Medusa treat him? I feel bad now..."Crona."

He turned to look at her. "What?"

"Come sleep with me." He just stared at her and blushed.

"You mean"

"No! No not like that. I'm sure Medusa treated you like shit. Just come sleep next to me." Katie offered.

Crona sat up. "A-are you sure? I don't know how to deal with this..."

"Yeah. Dude, it's cool." Katie stared him in the eyes. He blushed harder.

Crona got up and walked towards the other side of the bed. He was still unsure. Katie pulled back the covers so he could get under. He looked at her again, and then slowly crawled in. He was on the outermost part of the bed.

Katie frowned at him. She reached over and dragged him closer. He tried to get away, but she hugged him. "Dude! It's okay! I won't hurt you! Are you afraid of girls or something?"

"I-I just don't know how to deal with girls..." he trailed off.

Katie smiled. "Okay. How will you deal with this?" She leaned in and kissed him gently, then pulled back. Crona's eyes were wide open, and he was blushing a firetruck red. He was shaking something terrible, and you could hear his heart pounding. Crona was speechless. He looked over at the slightly blushing Katie.

"Why did you do that? I don't know how to deal with these feelings..." he explained.

Why did I do that? I have no idea...What the hell is wrong with me?

"I guess I did it to make you more comfortable. Did it work?" Katie wondered. Crona nodded. "Good. Let's go to sleep now."

Katie layed her head down on her pillow, and closed her eyes. She was facing Crona, and eventually she felt him lay down too. What is this feeling I have? Do I like him? But I like Soul...I think. It's...It's almost like I'm being torn between them, torn in two...

The Darkness Beneath ~ A Soul Eater FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora