Not Today

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~ Kid's Point Of View ~

Kid watched as Moon flung back at them. Maka had taken her place, but he had decided to stay back and be with Moon. He held her in his arms, and he found a sliver of hope when she opened her eyes slightly. His golden eyes started to water with tears, and he gripped her tightly with one arm. Kid's other arm gently stoked her cheek. "Please don't die...Please don't leave me!" he cried.

"Kid..." Moon weakly struggled to say. Her eyes slowly closed, and Kid panicked.

"No! No no no no no!" He felt Liz and Patty transform beside him.

"Go, Kid. We'll fight." Liz ordered him.

Katie transformed too. "Since I've got no meister, I might as well help. Can you carry her?"

Kid nodded as he stood up with her in his arms. He ran out of the alley, and flew his skateboard back to the hotel. Katie will have to find her own way back, because I need to help her now! When Kid finally got to the hotel, he walked in casually. The hotel staff stared at him. "She's just a little drunk. It's okay." he lied. They took a moment, but they believed him and went back to work. He sighed with relief.

When he finally arrived at the room, he took his card key out of his pocket and inserted it into the slot on the doorhandle. It opened, and he set her on his bed. He stood still and looked at her stomach, and he saw that it was faintly moving up and down, but it was so shallow, that it was almost not at all. Kid approached Moon, and put his ear to her chest. He heard a faint heartbeat. It was quiet and slow, and he was scared she wouldn't make it.

He took Moon's face in his hands, and stared at her sleeping face. Tears fell from his eyes and onto her neck. "Please don't die on me Moon. I beg you! If you can hear me, I don't want you to die! I don't know what I'd do without you, I-" he paused and realized what he was saying. "I love you, Moon."

Kid kissed her, and he could taste his own tears, along with her lips. They were cold. He realized that he was overtop her, but the only place they touched were their lips. He longed for her warmth; The warmth he felt when they slept together the night before. After what seemed like ages, he pulled back, his eyes still closed.

Then, he felt something touch his stomach. Again, he felt it. Kid looked down and saw Moon's stomach finally moving significantly up and down. He quickly put his ear to her chest and heard louder and faster beating. He smiled with joy. "Moon! Moon! Wake up! I need to hear your voice again!" He waited for an answer, for her lips to start moving again, but there was no motion. Her heartbeat slowed again, and her breathing once again became shallow.

"No!" He kissed her again, for an even longer time than before. This time, he wouldn't let go until she woke up and yelled at him to stop. Kid waited for the warmth to come back to her lips, but it never came. More tears came to his eyes. He was about to give up when he felt her breathing again. He wasn't about to let go.

Minutes passed, and he heard a small sound come from her. It became louder. Kid was now aware that it was a small moan. It's because I'm kissing her. I won't stop until she wakes up. She must wake up!

All of a sudden, Moon's lips started moving with his. The warmth slowly came back, and somehow, she found the sudden strength to push him off of her. "What the hell are you doing? Stealing kisses when I'm on the verge of life and death? Why didn't you just let me die and be out of Medusa's reach?" She held her head in her hands, and cried.

Kid was speechless. He knew she would be mad, but not this mad. She wants to die? That's not going to happen. "You're not dying. Not today. I love you Moon, and I could never be able to handle loosing you." He assumed that Moon was still mad at him, and he went over and put his head against the wall. He started to ball his hands up into fists, but then another pair of hands took them.

It was Moon, and she was hugging him from behind. She had set her head down on his back, and wrapped her arms around him. "Do you really love me?" she asked.

"Yes. I liked you since the first time I saw you. That's why I was staring at you on that first day." His head was still propped up against the wall. He felt a sudden wetness where she was resting her head on his back. He was confused. "Why are you crying?"

She waited a moment before answering. "Because you're the first person to love me, and I'm glad." He turned around and faced her. They embraced each other, tears in their eyes. They were interrupted by a loud, urgent-sounding knocking at the door.

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