You Did This To Me

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~ Kid's Point Of View ~

Kid was confused. And angry. And worried. And scared. 

Why is she acting like this? did I do something? What did I do?

Then he spotted something that had fallen on the floor. "What is this...?" He whispered to himself as he picked it up. Everything on it was foreign to him. It must be Moon's. Maybe this is what she is mad about? 

He walked over to the bedroom which Moon had run off to. "Moon?" 

No response. She had wrapped herself up in blankets and was clearly upset about something. He went and sat on the bed next to her. "Moon?" He called again. 

Still no response.

"Moon, you have to talk to me... Please..." He begged.

There was then a moment of silence, and she seemed to be thinking about what to say to him. "You did this to me..."

Kid was taken aback. "What did I do? I'm sorry..."

"How can you be sorry if you don't even know what you did?!" She had sat up and started yelling at him. But before he could reply, she spoke once more. "Look at my soul, kid! Tell me what you see!"

He questioned it for a moment, but obeyed. He tuned into her soul, and saw her witch soul. But it was sad. And he sensed... Something else. What is this?  He thought. Another soul was there. A small, tiny, developing soul. But... There was another as well. Three souls were attached to Moon's. 

Kid came back to his senses. "You're..." He sighed and looked down. "You're pregnant, aren't you..." He refused to make eye contact with her, or even look at her. "I..." He then held his face in his hands. "I'm so... Sorry... And stupid..."

She's pregnant?! How could I have not sensed them earlier?! I am such an idiot!

He noticed the dirt on her face, and attempted to wipe it off. "Don't touch me!" She yelled. And her gaze seemingly drifted to the white stick he held in his hand. "Do you know what that is?" She asked him. But before he could answer, Moon broke out into tears gain. Kid just sat there, knowing she wouldn't let him get any closer. "It's...It's..." it seemed like she couldn't bring herself to say it. "It's a pregnancy test..."  

  "I'm pregnant." She finally admitted it to herself. But then her sadness quickly changed to anger again. Moon started beating his chest with her fists. "You did this to me! How could you? I thought that we had this discussion already?"  

"Ow, ow, ow! Stop it! I know we did have this discussion, but I have no idea how you got pregnant, Moon...I-"

"It's called sperm Kid! A few must've found their way in me! And what were you gonna say? Were you gonna say 'I'm sorry'? Well sorry is not gonna cut it!" Moon had stopped hitting him, but she was screaming.

Kid stood there speechless. "Well, can't you get an abortion or something?"

"An abortion? No! The child did nothing wrong! It was you. I'm not going to kill an innocent life."

Tears started forming in Kid's eyes. "Please don't hate me...I didn't mean to. It was you too, you know! Please don't hate me! I can't live without you!"

Moon looked at his glassy golden eyes. "I can't live without you either. I-I just didn't want to have a child so early in my life!" she paused. "And the scary thing is, Medusa told me I have two souls living inside me. Before she flung me and Crona towards you, she was holding me by the neck. Then she let go and said I was pregnant with two souls. And...she also said that they were completely beyond her power and control..."

Kid's eyes were still watery. "So, you're saying, that you're having twins?"

"Yes. I'm saying that I'm having twins Kid."

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