The New Student

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Soul is greeted by his partner, Maka. "Hey Soul. Have you been waiting for this new student all day?"

"Yeah. I want us to be the first to fight him. To show him who's boss." Soul replies, a grin on his face.

"Or her. Keep in mind it could be a girl too. Kid told me that she goes by the name of Moon. That's got to be a girl's name, right? What guy would want their nickname to be Moon?" Maka explains.

"That's right. Well, it's what my dad told me." said a voice behind them. They both turn around to see Kid with Liz and Patty, one at each side.

"Oh, hey Kid. What's up?" Maka pondered.

"I just came out here to see if that new kid was here yet." he paused. After looking around he said, "Apparently not."

The lot was silent for a few more minutes, and then a faint yelling was heard from above. Everyone looked up to see the distant Black Star on the school, holding his weapon, Tsubaki. "Hey, guys! I've been up here forever! When is that new kid gonna be here!? I'm gonna whip his ass when he gets here!" you could just barely make out what he was saying.

Maka grumbled. "Why does everyone assume it's a guy?" she crossed her arms and glanced over at the stairs again. Two black figures were slowly walking up the stairs. "Guys, look." she nodded her head in the direction of the figures.

"So. There are two new students. Let's show them who's boss." said Soul.

But Black Star had already started his rant about being the greatest assassin in the world as the figures came into his view. They stopped, looked at him for a second, looked at each other, and then continued their walk. Black Star was furious. "YOU DARE IGNORE THE GREAT ASSASSIN BLACK STAR?!" he yelled at them. He leaped down from the roof, and landed in front of the figures.

The person in front finally talked. "Yes, I do. Someone who rants as much as you can't possibly be all that great." the person lowered the hood on their head. Everyone gasped at the sight. A girl, slightly taller than Black Star stood in front of them. She had dark purple hair, and wore dark colors. She had a rose clip in her hair. The person behind the girl lowered their hood as well. Another girl, she had multicolored hair, and wore a lot of pale pastel clothes. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail with a white ribbon.

Maka glared at Soul. "I told you you shouldn't assume."

"No you didn't." Soul chuckled.

The purple-haired girl looked at Black Star. "I am Moon, and this is my dearest weapon, Katie. I have no intensions of fighting with a child." Moon continued walking toward the entrance. Black Star had Tsubaki change into a Ninja Sword. He started running towards her, yelling.

Moon held out her hand. "Katie, katana." she ordered. In an instant, Katie had turned into a long, sharp katana blade, and they blocked Black Star's attack with no effort. Moon pushed back Black Star. "I said I have no intensions to fight today." she growled. Without having Katie transform into human form, she started walking again, dragging the blade lightly on the ground.

"Hey! Are you too chicken to fight me!?" that caused Moon to stop. She whipped around.

"Is that a challenge?" she questioned in a competitive low tone. Black Star grinned and darted towards her. Moon didn't move an inch. When Black Star swung down his blade, he swung down on nothing. He felt a sudden pain in his side, and dropped to his knees. Behind him was Moon, still in her fighting stance, holding her blade. It had blood dripping from it.

All you could hear was Tsubaki yell, "Black Star!" as the moment was frozen. Nobody moved. Then, after what seems like decades, Black Star spoke.

"You really should cut deeper if you're going to defeat your opponent." he said.

Moon smiled. "I wasn't trying to defeat you. I knew you were looking to fight. I saw you long before you saw me." she explained. She moved in front of Black Star and held out her hand. Black Star looked at it for a second, and then took it in his, and stood up.

Black Star studied her face for a while. "I'm Black Star. It's nice to meet you." He stared at her for a second more, then looked away nervously. He changed the subject quickly by saying, "Let's introduce you to my friends."

Katie and Tsubaki had transformed into their human forms, and they all shook hands and greeted each other as friends and not as fighting partners. They all had arrived at the spot where Soul, Maka, Kid, Liz, and Patty were watching.

Patty ran up to them. "I'm Patty! I'm gonna break your neck someday!" she yelled like a happy-go-lucky child. Moon was confused, but still introduced herself to Patty. The next person to greet her was a white-haired boy. He said that his name was Soul. Then she was introduced to Maka and Liz.

The last person to say something to her was a black-haired boy with three white stripes on one side of his hair. She noticed that he had been staring at her since she arrived at the school. "Hi. I'm Death the Kid. But, just call me Kid."

"Hi. It's nice to meet you." Moon wanted to ask why he had been staring at her the whole time, but it seemed like it wasn't the right time to ask, giving that they were around everyone else, and that it should be more of a private conversation. The group started their walk into the building, and Moon found herself walking next to Kid. They were in the back of the group, so it was the perfect time to ask her question.

"Kid." Moon started. Kid turned his head towards her, indicating that he was listening. "I noticed that you were staring at me the whole time while we were outside. Why is that?"

"Well, um..." Moon turned to look at Kid, and she saw that he was blushing a little. She thought he looked irresistibly cute this way, but why was he blushing?

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