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*Kathleen's POV*

"Yes I accept," I sighed. Then the call clicked and it was Daijon. "Baby?!" I heard him say in panic.
"What did you do!?" I snapped.
"Baby I'm so sorry," he pled.
"How much?" I asked, sighing.
"I need 2000$ to get out tonight," he told me. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. "You realize you have a sick daughter at home, a girlfriend taking car of two kids and a teenager who looks up to you as a father because his isn't speaking to him anymore!?" I snapped again, I couldn't help it, "Your daughter has been screaming for an hour now cause you didn't come home with the things to make her feel better. Brayson ran to get her something on his feet."
"I'm sorry," his voice cracked, "I really am. I can explain once I'm home baby I promise.."
"You better have a good fucking story," I hung the phone up got Amani strapped into her car seat. "Get Kat to sleep I'll be home soon," I told him. He nodded and I left with Amani. I stopped at the bank and got out as much money as I could with the ATM. I counted the money and I had just enough. I drove to the jail and got Amani out. She was asleep again. I walked inside and went to the front desk. I gave her Daijon's information and the money. In about 15 minutes he walked out of one of the doors. "You fucking idiot," I walked outside. He followed. I got Amani back in the car and got in. I buckled up and looked at him. "What did you do?!" I looked at him.
"Dealt drugs," he looked down.
"Daijon Cottie Davis!" I looked at him.
"I know!" he looked at me, "Nick said that it would get me 30K overnight! Do you know how much money that is? How far that would get us?!"
"Do you know how much we are going to struggle if you get convicted of this? You could be facing 90 days to 2 years Daijon! Do you want to miss Amani's next two years of her life!? Of our life?!" I sighed.
"No," he shook his head.
"Then get your shit straight," I drove off and back home. The car was silent. The only sound was the music from the radio softly playing... I cant believe he would do this..

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