Welcome Home

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*Kathleen's POV*

While in the hospital Daijon's family and friends came and saw Amani as well as mine. It was pretty nice to see how many we had that cared about us and were here to support us. We were leaving today though. Back home. I was actually really excited to go home. Start this new chapter in our lives. Just be on our own, our little family. Amani was such a good baby so far. She barely cried or fussed. She mostly just sleeps.

Daijon got the stuff together in his car. My mom was on her way to our apartment an his mom and little brother were already there. I sat in the wheel chair and held Amani in my arms. Daijon pushed us down the hall and down the elevator to the first floor. We went outside and to the car. He buckled her up in the car seat and helped me into the backseat, to ride with her. "You ready?" Daijon smiled back at us before he started to drive.
"Yes," I smiled bigger. He drove us back to our apartment and his mom came down to help us bring everything up. Once we got up to our place there was a little banner there that said "Welcome home" and lunch was made and set out for us. "Thank you mom," Daijon smiled big, setting Amani, who was in her car seat still, on the counter. I set her diaper bag down next to her and smiled. "Thank you so much," I gave her a hug. She has really been a big help with Amani and advice. We pulled away and sat down at the island and started to eat.

"When do you have to feed her again?" his mom asked, as we were all finishing up our food. I checked my phone for the time, my mom also texted saying she was on her way up. "Right now actually," I nodded. I got her out of her car seat, waking her up. I sat down on the couch and started to breast feed. "My mom is on her way up," I told them. Daijon nodded and got everything put away that we had at the hospital. His mom was cleaning up the stuff from lunch. My mom came in and I was still feeding. She ignored Daijon's mom and came straight to me. "Hey sweetie," she smiled, "I brought Katerina with."
"Hi!" Kat smiled up at me.
"Hi cutie," I giggled, "You wanna hold Amani don't you?"
"Yes," Kat giggled. I nodded and finished feeding her. I burped her and had Kat sit down on he couch. I laid Amani in her arms and helped Kat hold her. "How you doing?" my mom asked.
"I'm good," I nodded, "Daijon's mom will be here for another two weeks which is really nice."
"Yeah," my mom nodded, "So I got my time off work to stay here and your dad did too."
"She should be good with me here," Daijon's mom chimed in.
"I me-" I was cut off by my mom going off on his mom. That started a fight between the two. They were going back and forth at each other. I started to cry. Daijon came in and calmed his mom down. "Stop!" I sighed, "You're making Amani cry!" I stood up and picked her up and groaned in pain. Daijon took Amani from me and calmed her down. I held gently over my stomach where my stitches were. I started to cry harder. "Calm down," my mom sighed, rubbing my back.
"I need you both so stop fucking fighting!" I sighed pulling away from her. I went to Daijon and put my head on his shoulder, calming down.

It was later at night and we were all ready for bed. His little brother was already asleep and his mom was in their room. Daijon was laying down and I just put Amani down in her bassinet with a full belly. I sat down next to him and looked up at him. "What?" he chuckled.
"I have a question but I don't want to sound stupid," I shrugged.
"Just go for it," he told me.
"What are you and I?" I asked.
"What?" he chuckled.
"Are we together? Or just friends with a kid? Or what?" I asked.
"Right now friends with a kid," he told me, "I'm talking to a girl."
"You are?" I don't know why but this fire just built up in me when he said that. A girl?! He's talking to someone!? Him and I just had a baby together!

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