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*Daijon's POV*

"What?" I looked at my friend like he was crazy.
"Dude," he looked at me, "You wanna make more money? This will land you 30k overnight."
"But isn't it illegal??" I looked at him, "I got a family and shit."
"Only illegal if someone finds out huh?" he held the back pack out to me. I looked at the bag and thought about it. 30k could get us our house. 30k every couple days could get us so far... I snatched the bag from his hands and put it around my shoulders. "What's the address??"

*Kathleen's POV*

Brayson was on the floor with Kat playing tea party. I had Amani laying on a pillow on my lap and breast feeding her. Her forehead was hot but her arms were cold. "How is she doing?" Daijon asked as he came out of the bedroom.
"Alright," I sighed, "her forehead is still warm if you could bring some baby Tylenol home that would be great."
"I got you guys," he kissed my lips and then Amani's head. "Yeah she is warm," he nodded, "Love you guys I'll be home soon."
"Love you too," I smiled at him. He left for the studio and I put my tank top back on. Amani rested her head on my chest and she slept. "Poor sick baby," Brayson looked at me.
"I know," I sighed, "Don't know what she caught. Probably just a cold from all the traveling and stuff."
"Probably," he agreed and then continued to play tea party with Kat.

It was getting late and Amani was up crying. "Where the hell is Daijon?" I sighed, bouncing Amani trying to get her to calm down. I don't blame her though. She doesn't feel good and Daijon isn't home with the medicine yet. "I'll call him," Brayson nodded. He walked away on his phone. I sighed a little bit and held Amani close and tried to calm her down. I got a cold wash cloth and laid it across her forehead. Brayson came back and sighed. "He didn't answer I called him like three times," Brayson sighed.
"Here," I handed him my wallet, "Just go quick and get her something. Please." I was really stressed. She has been crying for about 45 minutes straight and I cant get her to stop. Brayson nodded and left right away. I felt small arms wrap around my leg. "Is baby okay?" Kat asked. I looked down at her and nodded. "She's just sick," I sighed, "She will be alright..." She nodded back at me.

Brayson got back with the medicine and I read the back and gave her what she needed. I sat on the couch with her and she started to calm down and fall asleep soon later. Then my phone went off, waking her back up. Son of a bitch. I stood up and bounced her as I answered the call. "This is a collect call do you accept this call from," then it cut off. "Daijon," Daijon... What did he do...

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