After I finished brushing my teeth and I grabbed my things, Andre walked me over to the front door. A stretch limousine sat parked outside waiting. Gosh, Andre's family was really rich, thats for sure.

"Is this how you get to school every day?!" I blurted out and asked.

"LOL, no. I usually take the bus. I just wanted you to feel special. Ya know, by rolling up to school in a limo," he casually answered me.

"Oh okay. Why is that?" I asked.

"I dont really like showing off that my family is really rich. A lot of people try to be my 'friend,'" Andre began telling me, doing the air quotes gesture when he said 'friend,' "just to get to me and my family's money. It's really tough trying to find someone who is real and likes me for me and not my money. So I dont really have a lot of friends and all. People usually only either like me for my money or dont like me, calling me the creepy, weird, stuck up, rich boy," he finished explaining to me.

"Oh. I get where you're coming from. You don't need to worry about me though. I'm real," I assured him.

"Oh dont worry, Drew. I know you're real," he smiled at me.

When we rolled up to the school, quite a few heads did turn, especially when we climbed out of the limo.

"Hey Andrew!" I heard someone yell out to me.

"Andrew!" It was Connor yelling to me as he ran over.

Seeing Connor reminded me of the conversation I had with Andre last night.

"Hey. Good morning Connor," I cheerfully greeted him.

"Morning Andrew!" he replied.

"Connor," Andre acknowledged, nodding his head towards Connor.

"Alex," Connor responded, nodding his head towards Andre, as though it was like he was annoyed at Andre or maybe jealous of him, I dont know.

"So what's up," Connor asked.

"Well I have to go bring my soccer gear to the locker room before classes start," I answered.

"So, I'll see you in class or the locker room I guess," Andre butted in.

"Yea, okay. See ya later Andre," I said to him.

"See ya Drew," he replied.

"'Drew?'" Connor asked as I had turned around.

"It's a long story." I told him.

"You can tell me as you walk to the locker room. Oh, and last time I checked, your last name isn't 'Sinclair,'" he barked at me.

"Okay, okay. Let's head to the locker room and I'll tell you," I agreed, and we began walking down to the locker room.

"So after you ran off last night, Andre asked me to sleep over," I started to explain.

"Obviously, I wasnt prepared for a sleepover, so I had no change of clothes," I continued to tell him.

"Andre gave me an outfit of his to wear to school today," I finished.

"And what about 'Drew?'" Connor added.

"He wanted to give me a nickname after I gave him one,"

"Um okay then," Connor said.

"Anything else? Besides, were here anyway," I said to him sarcastically as we arrived at the locker room.

"Yea there is one other thing," he confessed.

"What?" I asked as I was putting my stuff in the locker room.

Connor giggled at me and he said, "I can see your dick when the light shines on those shorts."

My face definitely turned bright red as I turned around and said to him, "Well, I wasn't going to borrow a pair of underwear from him!"

"So what? You're like freeballing or something?" he asked me while he tried to hold back his laughter.

"Um. Yea," I answered.

"Well. Good. Cause I can see that boner of yours now too," he said to me, flat out laughing.

"Shut up. I'm going to class. Besides, you're the real pervert since you were the one looking at my dick," I snapped at him, defending myself.

I stormed out of the locker room as Connor broke out laughing.

I couldn't wait for class to be over. Between the comments I was getting about the name on the shirt I was wearing and the looming thought of people staring at my dick, I was ready to change into my uniform and head off the soccer game at Central Valley.

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