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Sammie's POV,

"Is it bad?" I ask Tobi and he nodded. "It's pretty deep as well." Tobi whispered, I flinched, he hasn't been right since Ethan told them I don't think. It must of triggered him, I mean it would of triggered me. "So they got hit by a drunk driver and Emily got killed instantly." "Yeah, this happened 3 months ago and he hasn't stopped drinking since." Tobi told me.

"I need them anti depressants." He whispered and I shook my head, he gets worse when he is on them, they don't help him at all. "Tobi, you don't." "I do Sam." He said bluntly. "They just make you worse." "They help." "They don't Tobi please." "Just Leave me alone yeah, stop fucking making me do things." "I don't make you do anything!" I exclaim back at him and I just shook his head.

"Don't try and fucking stop me if you don't make me do anything then." he spat, I felt my whole body wash down in sadness and fear. Don't leave me Tobi. I didn't mean to, I just wanted to help. "I just wanted to help you." "You never help me, so just shut up and stop being inconsiderate." He spat, before sighing.

"I'm going." "Please Tobi." "Just fuck off will you. you dumb fucking bitch." He spat out in anger before grabbing his jacket and leaving my room, and then eventually leaving my house.

I felt tears brim my eyes. How did things just fuck up so fast? Did I do anything wrong?
We have been getting into more fights recently since he has been taking these anti depressants, almost like he is slowly slipping away from me.


I was sat In second lesson, Tobi hasn't spoke to me since last night, I didn't know what I done wrong, so I tried staying away as much as possible, that's what I'm like, any commotion I try and stay out of it. My shyness and self confidence really getting to me.

The bell went, signalling second lesson had indeed ended, I packed my art stuff into my bag before quickly leaving. If I reach the food hall quick enough I won't see anyone and I'll just hide in the field behind the trees, even if it's freezing today.

I went into the canteen and saw I was the first one in. I smiled small before quickly going and getting a fruit pot and a drink, seeing that nothing there I particularly wanted. I paid and left, as I turned around I saw everyone with Tobi, all of them laughing and not noticing me.

Tobi saw me out the corner of his eye and rolled his eye at me. Making my heart wrench and almost scream, I'm trying to help you Tobi. I felt tears brim my eyes. Everyone looking over at me. "What have you done?" I heard Po spit at Tobi before I shook my head and quickly left the hall. I walked quickly down the hallway.

I turned the corner and bumped into someone, noticing it was Harry. "Oh shit, sorry." I whisper, feeling the tears still threatening. "Is Okay Sam, Wait, what's up?" He asks me and I shake my head. "Nothing Harry, don't worry." I say, I was about to leave but he lightly tapped my arm.

"You're not okay Sam, I know you a lot because of Marie, what's happened?" He asks and I sigh. "Why aren't you with the guys?" "I was down bottom so I was late, I was on my way their though." "Oh, okay." I whisper, completely blanking his question before I quickly headed away from him." "Sam!" He exclaimed, but I just shook my head, finally feeling that relief of a tear falling down my face.

I wiped my eye quickly, me luckily not wearing little to no makeup today, as I felt too drained to wear any. I quickly excited the block and was out in the fresh air, I soon reached the school field furthest away from the school. I went to my tree that I normally hide in, I haven't been here for ages.

I was so lost in my train of though I realised I must've dropped my fruit pot when I got into Harry. Fuck. I guess I'm not eating anything today. I felt more tears fall down my face, unable to comprehend what had happened last night.

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