III. The aftermath

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After an obnoxious event, there is the aftermath
•Albert's POV•

I took a break from all my socials, I knew the news spread quickly and at the moment didn't really want to see the daily reminder. Though I was already my own daily reminder since I would go to see if the police station had any leads yet, but everyday it was the same thing, "we're working as hard as we can on it."

The house is normally completely silent. But today I decided to make a video again after being gone for so long. And as I expected, there were the people asking about my disappearance but I didn't want to get to the topic at the moment since I didn't know how to explain it, so I played Roblox with Jake and sent Adam the video to edit it, I muted my notifications and took my mind out of things by watching a movie.

I felt so uncomfortable staying in the house, I should probably move some else, maybe with someone else for the meantime? I wasn't sure what to do, and it's always been so hard to move out for me, but it hurt to have to walk past Lana's room.

I couldn't focus on the movie anymore, everything seemed so unreal I couldn't handle it. Why her? She was so kind I didn't get it. She'd never do anything wrong to die in that matter, I felt the burning feeling of tears bubbling up in my throat, I was tearing up my sight blurring as tears formed. I choked on my tears as I sobbed. Nothing felt real.

"The second we met" |rustbert|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant