Chapter Four

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She blinked in bewilderment, "What do you mean, Mercy? We came all the way here to save you, we're going to bring you home."

Azrael raised his voice so the others could hear, "You heard her, little girl. I suggest you listen to your friend here as it's for your own good." His patronization visibly made me wince.

Luke groaned lowly in agony.

Serena's attention was drawn back down to him, she gasped and covered her mouth with her free hand. "Oh my god, Luke! Stay with me, it's going to be alright."

She whipped her head over to me, "You've got to help him Mercy, please!"

My throat ached from holding in sobs, with every fiber of my being I hated the man holding me hostage; It didn't matter that he was my mate, in that moment my hatred knew no bounds.

I gripped Azrael's forearm out of pure desperation, "Please. Let me help my friend and I'll do whatever you want. I'll say whatever you want me to say—he's dying, I have to save him."

I didn't think it was possible but Azrael pulled me closer into his body, "It's got to be better than that." He murmured.

He wanted my convincing to be more compelling.

Tears rolled down my cheek as I watched Serena's face contort in confusion, "Please, you've got to put down the gun and leave here. This is my home now, I—I want to stay here."

"Much better." Azrael cooed.

Serena shook her head wildly, "Mercy, what are you talking about? Please..."

She obviously had no idea how dire the situation really was, with every second I could feel Luke slipping away from us and Azrael's patience waning. "Serena, I mean it! Get out of here, stop the fighting and just leave me. I don't want to go back with you, I just want you to go away."

Every part of me felt like it was crumbling apart as I watched her anguished face while she lowered the gun. It was for their own good, this was the only scenario in which my two best friends could make it out alive.

Serena tossed it onto the grass looking absolutely betrayed and blindsided. She stepped backwards, away from the scene and raised her hands as a sign of surrender.

Emmanuel quickly let go of Luke's limp and bloodied body, retuning to my side. Azrael grunted, seemingly satisfied with the results of the altercation and suddenly dropped me. I fell in a heap onto the grass, without sparing a moment I scrambled off the floor and ran to Luke's side.

I skidded to a stop, falling roughly onto my knees beside Luke's lifeless body. Instantly my hands were on Luke's chest, my stomach lurched as I felt how frail his life force was. I wrenched my teary eyes closed and willed my energy into him, hoping that it wasn't too late.

Before being taken to Mortal Pack, I'd never really regularly attempted heals that were as challenging as the two wolves from the clearing. The last time I managed to heal something to that degree of urgency was with Weston; and after I managed to heal his paralysis I was bed ridden for days from pure exhaustion.

In a span of two days, I already healed two exceptionally difficult cases and was about to attempt a third. My father never warned me about any consequences or complications regarding our gift but I now worried that I was treading on thin ice by pushing my abilities to the brink like this.

Any risk didn't matter at the moment.

Instantly my entire body ignited in pain, the sensation ripping through my limbs and spreading throughout. I cried out involuntarily, it never felt like this before. I've never once been in this level of excruciating pain whilst helping someone. It almost was as if I was ripping apart at my own life force, dangerously draining my life far past my own healing capabilities to be able to heal him.

Mercy and the Merciless AlphaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang