Surprise and crappy TV shows

Start from the beginning

Dave looped his fingers with mine and I began to walk dragging him with me. I walked over to a wall and took a seat in the chair I had set my eyes on.

"What are you doing? Its a party you're suppose to socialize."

"Im not much of a party person. I find them to have no purpose other than make me suffer by socializing with unintelligent pricks."

"Come on ill walk with you."



I glared at him while standing up.

"Wonderful! Come on lets socialize."

I followed behind him as he led me over to people who stood with drinks in hand. There was a male, who was about Dave's height, had black hair and a golden tooth shining through his grimace, and a female, who was the same height and had white hair and a bright friendly smile plastered on her face.

"Karkat this is Caliborn and this is Calliope"

As soon as I was introduced I had the red bow tie wearing bozos eyes staring at me. Calliope's green eyes stared at me with what seemed like happiness as her smile grew wider however her brother on the other hand kept his grimace as his red eyes stared at me with anger.

"Karkat it's so lovely to meet yoU in real life. Happy birthday!"


Dave nudged me in the side and I stopped myself.


"Oh I was just saying likewise and thanks."

I looked over at her brother who didnt stop staring at me and before I could say anything he grunted. He actually fucking grunted at me.

"Back at ya you eccentric douche sponge."

Dave said his byes and began to rush me away when I said that and Calliborn's eyes filled with rage. Even walking away I could feel his stare burning through me as he mumbled angrily and his sister told him to 'lighten up and dont grunt at people because that's not how normal beings interact.' He began his normal im going to kill you routine and I heard the footsteps of someone whos light on their feet come near. Calliope walked passed us giving a little wave and went straight to Roxie her best friend.

"How do you even know them?"

"Roxie introduced Caliborn and I then her brother took the liberty of annoying me."

By then we were standing in front of Dirk, Jane and Roxie. Calliope was already there sipping her soda as she stood under the protective arm of Roxie.

"Hey guys."

They all looked over when they heard Dave's voice. This all started what turned into them chatting up a storm and I stood there staring at our feet grumpily. Sadly we couldnt continue this intriguing conversation because out of no where my ears were filled with the revolting sound of the 'Happy Birthday' song.

Kankri began to walk out of a room the light of the flames dancing across his face. He was smiling wide but we all knew he was fighting the urge to rant at us about some sort of trigger in the song.

He walked out toward the group and planted his feet in front of me until the song was done. When it was finished they all stared at me as if they expected something.

"Karkat it is traditional to blow out the flames of the candles. They-"

I put my hand our his mouth and his eyes grew in shock.


I blow out the candles and groaned as everyone began to cheer. As they did Kankri put the cake on a table and my dad popped out of no where with a knife.

The Roommate I Never Expected ( Davekat )Where stories live. Discover now