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I turn and run with my captor, whom turns out to be Carol. Once we leave through the back door, she throws a match on it, making instant fire. I hear the men's screams and loud bangs, trying to get out. I hug Carol once more, glad I get to see another day. Well, hopefully I get to see another day. I take my jacket off and hand it to Carol.

"Tie this as tight as you can on my wound, it'll slow the bleeding." She nods, doing as told her. I yell a little from the sudden pain but walk anyway. She puts her arm around me to help, but it's no use. I just stumble the whole way.

"You're going to be okay." She assures.

"Why did you act so weak back there?" I ask, just wanting to know.

"To sike them out." I nod, then see the group running to us. Carol gives Rick my weapons as Daryl picks me up, racing to the car. He lays me in the back and I see his eyes wondering from above me. I put my hand in his cheek.

"It's gonna be alright." I feel his tear fall on my face, then my door slam. Then he gets in and starts the car, another door slams and Maggie is in the car, sitting below my head and holding my hand. She presses on my wound to help, making me grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut. Jesus gets in the passenger seat and we take off. I stifle a laugh, gaining weird looks from everyone.

"What's so funny?"

"Just that I asked Daryl what he was gonna do if something happened while we were away from the kids and he said nothing would happen. Looks like fate had something else is mind." Daryl just speeds up, going faster than I was when Sophia was hurt.

"Open the gates, we ain't stoppin'." Daryl tells whoever's on watch through the walkie, the gates open as we fly through. Maggie moves and I get out, loosing my balance. Jesus grabs me before I can fall.

"Thank you." Daryl comes around the car, taking me away from Jesus and running to the infirmary. Jesus watches at we go, so I sign to him.

"Check on my girls." He nods and takes off. I close my eyes, just to catch a few z's but wake up once I see a bright light.

I walk around and see nothing. Literally nothing. It's all white, nothings here, no ones here. That is, until I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Hershel. My jaw drops as I pull him into a hug, he hugs me back. Once I pull away, so many questions floor my mind.

"Where are we?" Is the only question that seems to leave my mouth.

"You're in the in between. You get to choose if you want to stay or go." Stay or go?

"Hershel, I-" He cuts me off.

"I know you want to stay here, but you have so much to look forward to down there."

"Like the living coming to kill us or the walkers trying to eat us?" He laughs.

"No, your kids. They love you and it would kill them to see you go, it would for the group too. Daryl would be devastated, Maggie, Glenn, Carl, Michonne; all of them. I don't feel it's your time, but you may not feel that way." I sigh, not knowing what to say. "Let's just talk for a few then." I nod, not wanting to think anymore.

"What's up?" I ask, looking around once more and see a woman walk to us. I notice that woman is Beth. I hug her, but pull away once I realize how much pain Maggie is dealing with.

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