I'll stand by you - Part 1

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I returned home after a very stressful day at work and all I wanted to do was spend some time with my boyfriend, he could always make me feel better. I wanted to watch a movie, it was perfect to relax after a bad day, so I stopped at a grocery store to buy some popcorn, ready to cuddle with my boyfriend.

I got home and waited for him to suddenly appear like he always did when I arrived, when he didn't, I announced my arrival, maybe he hadn't heard me.

"Honey, I'm home" I shouted but received no response. I sighed, assuming he'd gone out with the boys or something, maybe he'd received a call from management that they had to record a song again if something like that.

I went up to the room Ashton and I shared to leave my things, then reached for the door to go back to the living room and watch the movie, but when I was about to leave, I heard a horrible sound, a sob, and I immediately realized what had happened, suddenly I wished he had gone out instead of that.

I rushed to the bathroom and opened the door, and there he was, my beautiful, sweet and lovely boyfriend, lying on the floor, razor in hands, blood dripping from his arm, tears streaming down his face and sobs escaping his throat.

I sat down next to him, taking him in my arms while rubbing his back and whispering soothing words as I pressed soft kiss all around his face. We stayed there until he calmed down enough to go to the bedroom, which seemed like hours for me but it reality were just about ten minutes.

When we got to the room I got in the bed and held my arms wide open for him to lay there with me. He didn't think about it and threw himself in my arms, his head resting in my chest and my arms wrapped around him. We had to talk about it but right then was not the right time, we both had to calm down a bit and have some rest, after that we'd talk about it.

I knew he was still crying when I felt my shirt start to get wet, but I didn't mind, it was better actually, he had to let it all out. I stayed awake until he fell asleep, it was a long night, but I knew the day to come would be much worse.


[A/N]: This is for Cynthia Gosselin since she was the first to accept the self-harm theme so, here it is, first part, this will probably be the one with more chapters so... Yeah.

I'll try to publish three more later and then three tomorrow morning and three in the afternoon, then it's monday and I go back to school but I'll try my best to publish at least one daily.

Let me know your thoughts on this! I really want all of you to enjoy reading this so tell me what you like and what you don't so I can improve.

Love you!

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