Our First Date - Part 1

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Me and Luke had been dating for about a week or so and we hadn't had time to go out at all. Since he both had school and he was in the football team while I practiced soccer, our time together was from limited to none and it was really frustrating since all I wanted to do was spend some time with my boyfriend, was it too much to ask? Well, it seemed like it because I could barely even say hello to him.

"Sarah, hey!" I heard Luke say and I could instantly feel a smile form on my face, well, at least two words directed to me. Wasn't it ironic? We were dating, yet it seemed like he was just my crush and I was fangirling over him talking to me.

"Hey-" I started saying but was cut off but one of Luke's mates that just took him away, I saw him look back at me with an apologetical smile, god! This was so frustrating, I just wanted to be with him and I couldn't because every time I tried to talk to him or be near him, one of his friends would take him away, or a teacher would reach out for him to talk about his notes or his coach would tell him that he needed to go to a surprise training, point is, whatever the reason was each time, what mattered was that I just couldn't be with him.

I needed to do something about it but I just didn't know what to, I really had to think, what could I do to get him to be with me? Then I realized, most of the people that got his attention just took him away without asking or anything, so I could just get to him and say it was really important, tell him day and time so we could finally have some time for ourselves.

When it was lunch time, I walked up to the table he was sitting in, determined to set up our first date,

"Hello guys, sorry ti bother but I really need to talk with Luke, don't worry, it will only be five minutes tops" I took Luke by the arm and guided him to the first place I sas that was empty, no people.

"Is something wrong?" He asked me genuinely concerned, he was just sweet like that.

"No, it's just that we barely ever have time to be together, so I decided that I would do whatever it was necessary to spend some time with you" I said looking up at him with the sweetest face I could manage, it seemed to work because his eyes shined and a big smile formed on his lips as he took me in his arms.

"Aww, I've wanted to be with you too, I just never find the time, you know? But here, I'll tell you what, our coach said we'd been doing great so we have tomorrow afternoon completely free, I'll pick you up at six, what do you think?" I was so happy when I heard him say that and I really could not contain myself.

"Yes! Yes! Oh my god, yes! I mean... Yeah, sure it'd be great" I say blushing once that I'd realized how dumb I looked. He just laughed and kissed my temple.

"I guess I'll see you later, bye love" he retuned with his friend, living me with a huge smile on my face, fantasizing about the evening we were about to spend together. I didn't know what would happen, but I did know that it would be incredible.


[A/N]: Sarah Michelle Roberson, this is yours, hope you enjoyed this, next part will be the date.

Let me know if any of you liked it, I'd love to know what you think about it!

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