शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

They laughed, and Lena felt good as she swooped Hope back up into her arms. Once Hayley and Klaus arrived, things seemed like they might actually be great, like they might actually be some sort of weird, dysfunctional family that all those soap operas were about.

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OUTSIDE on the porch - this one actually had a porch swing, much to Lena's greatest delight - Elijah played with Hope, while Rebekah and Lena started getting the wood prepared for the bonfire that they had in mind.

"It's alright Elijah," called out Rebekah when she noticed how tame the man was being with his niece. "She won't break. Everything you did was in the name of protecting her, I'm not worried."

Lena pushed herself to her feet, rubbing her hands together to get rid of the wood dust that was left behind from all the wood that they had collected earlier. Elijah had stood up too, swinging Hope into his arms.

"Is that what I think it is?" he called out to his sister, who had stood up and had wiped her hands down on her black jeans.

"It's bonfire season and I am reviving a family tradition!" the blonde called back, taking a hold of Lena's hand and pulling her over to where Elijah and Hope had sat down again. "Especially since we're all going to be together!"

"Only because we're fleeing from one of our deranged parents," shot back Elijah. He was in a slightly pissy mood. Lena didn't blame him. Mikaelson family drama tended to turn anyone's mood sour.

"Another Mikaelson family tradition," joked Lena, pulling a face at Hope in order to make the little girl laugh.

"It's a peculiar thing," Elijah mused, getting to his feet, "never to be tired, yet forever exhausted by the sameness of things." Lena knew how much she hated routine. She liked adventure, and having things change. Maybe it was the metamorph inside of her that craved change, but sameness bored her, daily routine sent her to sleep. Things had to be different day by day and that was why she had enjoyed New Orleans so much, every day was different.

"Why is our family always at war?" Elijah asked, though it was obviously a rhetorical question since there was no answer to it.

"I don't know," replied Rebekah. "But being away with her made me see things differently, as it did with Lena when she was younger. We're not so bad, not the monsters that our parents think we are."

They all smiled as Rebekah leant forward to kiss Hope's tiny little hands and Lena felt tears spring to her eyes. But they disappeared the moment she heard the sound of the car approaching. All four of their heads moved towards the black Jeep that was driving towards them. Klaus' black Jeep.

As soon as the car had stopped, Hayley was running up to them. Lena had never seen her run so fast before, but this was her daughter and she hadn't seen her in five whole months. She stopped suddenly, staring wide eyed at her baby girl in Elijah's arms. Lena couldn't help but grin at the look on Hayley's face, the love in her eyes. It was so wholesome.

"Hi," Hayley's voice wasn't even a whisper as Elijah handed over her baby girl. She had even started to tear up as she hugged her daughter to her tightly. Lena glanced over Hayley's shoulder at her boyfriend, unable to stop herself from grinning as Hayley made her way over to the hybrid.

His entire face softened when Hayley handed their daughter over to him and Lena felt a new wave of tears take over her. She couldn't help but sniff as one of those tears ran down her cheek and she felt Rebekah squeeze her hand tightly. A family reunited was something only a minimal amount of people got to see. Such a beautiful sight it was too.

METAMORPH ... k.mikaelsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें