Alexia straightened her stance and gathered her breath. Now that her body wasn't forcefully pressed into the corals, the piercing pain she felt was subsiding much, only a little sore left. Glaring the demon lord with a resentful look, she snapped, "Don't think I'll give up!"

Zefrael promptly shook his head in a contrived amazement. "It's been sometime since your last try, I really had thought you forgot, you know?" he said with a sneer, "But what just happened? Luckily, I acted fast, huh?"

"Are you f*cked!? I won't give up, ever!!" Alexia exclaimed in rage. She actually wanted to pick her submerged longsword from her feet—being weaponless was too uncomfortable for her—but she was reclutant to move her eyes away from Zefrael. Who knows if he took the chance for a counterattack when she was not looking?

The demon lord was the one who finally escaped her glare. Looking somewhat dispirited, he sighed with a pout, "Haah, what a bummer. I really thought you're going to stop now that Noir is here."

"Why should I!?"

"Isn't that obvious already??" Zefrael returned the question, looking all amazed with the girl's protest, "He bound to find out that secret between us if you're being so vicious towards me, Alex," he said in a mocking tone, "and actually, he's standing right over there with a ghastly paled look in his face right now."


Panicked, Alexia hurriedly swept her surrounding. In the deserted Salen Gulf, there was no one beside her and the demon lord, but past occurences had already told her that her eyes weren't so dependable.

Valnoire could be anywhere in this place with his default invisible mode, exactly like Zefrael had said, and she couldn't even prove the alternative.

The spectral being did say that her so-called magic power would return one day. As for how and when? She really had no idea, but Alexia was quite sure that it wouldn't return this instant. For the time being, she was left to accept the fact that there would be some time that she would be unable to see her invisible companion. Is it now?

The last time she had seen Valnoire's figure was right after they left Salen Gulf to walk back to the village. He had thought of an idea, and he planned to meet again with Breanna to discuss it.

Valnoire had walked in front as to lead the way, with Ennario by his side. Possibly, he was asking the dragon boy about the Dragon's Tear—but who knows? Alexia didn't try to confirm it—or rather, she had no interest to.

The girl was lagged behind because of the self-contemplation inside her mind, and she neglected to pay attention towards the head of the line where Valnoire and Ennario were. She had half-blindly followed the demon lord who walked behind the two guys.

By the time she got her conclusion, Alexia had completely forgotten the existence of the other two guys in front. She hadn't waited even for a second to pull her longsword from the sheath and swung it towards the established source of problem—towards Zefrael who was walking in front of her.

But, he foiled her attack yet once again. He had robbed her blade, and used the hilt to push her forcefully onto the corals.

The girl was already freed from his restrain, but honestly, her back was still a little sore. Bruise would probably show up tomorrow as the reminder that she had failed to kill her enemy for the fourteenth time.

Still, was Valnoire being invisible like the demon lord had said?

Alexia knew from experience that Zefrael was not someone to be believed so easily. Yet, she had to admit that he was probably right for one thing. Her actions was too rash. It would be a miracle if Valnoire didn't find out the 'secret' after he saw what she had done.

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