Chapter two

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Aqualad woke up in a strange room. It took him a second to remember where he was. Wayne Manor, right.
He rubbed his eyes and got out of bed slowly, looking at the clock on the wall. The continuous tick, tick had annoyed him to no end and he hadn't been able to sleep much because of it.

It was six in the morning and Aqualad groaned. The Wayne brothers wouldn't be up at a time like that, it was a habit the team had developed during their time together. Maybe they had time debriefing and thinking up a plan.

He looked around the room and found a door that led to the bathroom. He quickly showered and dressed in his civilian clothes, then he heard a knock on the door. To his surprise, he saw the youngest Wayne brother standing with crossed arms. Aqualad couldn't remember weather he was Tim or Damian.

"Breakfast is in twenty minutes. Tell the others." Then he slammed the door in Aqualad's face and left. "Friendly," murmured Kaldur.

The team; a very grumpy Artemis, an excited Megan, a hungry Wally, a uninterested Conner and a very tired Kaldur, reached the kitchen half an hour later. They hadn't been able to find their way back from their rooms. They were greeted with the smell of bacon and eggs.

Kaldur's stomach growled. Artemis seemed to be just as hungry. "Why are you up so early?" She questioned, hiding a yawn.
Jason, who was fighting with Dick over a butter knife, replied, "It's a habit." Turning to the oldest, he growled, "give me the fucking knife, Fuckface!"

He suddenly punshed Dick in the nose, who let go of the knife and glared at his younger brother, holding his bleeding face. Kaldur gasped and moved forward, but Wally held him back.

He cleared his throat. "Eh, is it normal for you to punch each other in the face?" Damian, who once again was fiddling with a fork, looked up. "Yes. Constand kidnappings have heightened our pain tolerance and Jason's used to dealing with his problems with his fists."
"Oh, okay..." Tim, who stood by the stove, muttered, ignoring the turmoil, "So, who wants bacon? Oh, and Dick, get the blood off your nose, I'm not cleaning the kitchen again."

During breakfast, the Young Justice team was introduced to the boys. "The youngest is Damian Wayne, the hot head over there is Jason Todd and this is Tim Drake." Dick ruffled Tim's hair, who looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Well, as you probably know, I'm Aqualad, but call me Kaldur," introduced the Atlantean. "This is Megan and Superboy's name is Conner Kent. Then there is Artemis-" he glanced at Dick, "as some of you already know. Kid Flash is Wally West, who eats more than any elephant-"
"Robin couldn't come with us, he and Batman are on a mission in Germany."

He frowned at Jason, who snort and jabbed Dick between the ribs with his elbow. Dick groaned and rubbed the sore spot. "Ouch." Damian face-palmed and glared at Jason. "Do you always have to act like an insolant brat?"
"Shut up, Demon Spawn!"
"Or what?!"
Tim slammed his fists on the table. "Can we eat now?!"

Damian and Jason glared at him. "We don't want your stupid food!" Dick groaned as his brothers went into another round of screaming and yelling. "Would you shut up!" He yelled, steam coming out if his ears (not literally, of course).
"And who made you leader?" Challenged Jason, raising his eyebrows.
"I am the oldest."
"But I'm the best fighter!"
"And I'm the smartest!"
"You are twelve, Tim!"
"But my brain is twice the size of yours!"
"And I am the blood son!"
"I'm the best fighter, not you!"

The team watched them like a tennis match.
"You think it's always like that?" Whispered Artemis, as Jason tried to strangle Damian, who threw his plate at him. "Even we don't fight this much."

In the end, Jason had a full plate of eggs in his hair, Damian had a broken nose, Tim was hiding under the table and Dick looked ready to explode. "CAN WE EAT NOW?!"

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