Time Is On My Side- Part 4

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do. You were, what, 14? Folks died in some shady car accident. Police suspected a slashed brake line, but it was all too crispy to tell. Cut to little Bela... Oh, I'm sorry, Abbie... inheriting millions." You said.

"How did you even...?" She started to say but Dean cut her off.

"Doesn't matter."

"They were lovely people. And I killed them. And I got rich. I can't be bothered to give a damn. Just like I don't care what happens to you." Bela said, putting on a tough exterior but you knew something else happened. Dean growled and pushed her roughly against the wall and lays his arm across her throat.

"You make me sick," Dean said, staring into her eyes.

"Likewise." She smirked. Dean smirked and took a step back before pointing the gun at her head. She stared at him before closing her eyes, preparing for death. You didn't know what made you look up but you did and noticed special herbs hanging in the doorway. They were hidden but you guess from the impact Dean made when he pushed Bela against the door made them come out of hiding. Just by the look of them, you knew they were called Devil's Shoestring. They were only used to ward off hellhounds. The only reason Bela would have them is if she was protecting herself from hellhounds. The only reason hellhounds would be after her if she made a deal.

Before Dean could shoot her, you nudged his shoulder and motioned for him to look up. His face changed when he recognized them. Since Bela's eyes were closed, she didn't see that. Since you and Dean were taking forever to kill her, she opened her eyes and looked between the two of you.

"You're not worth it," Dean said, putting his gun down. You did the same and she stepped aside to let you out of her apartment. You left her apartment and turned back to look at her just as she was closing the door. She must have made that deal for a reason.

"Smart move detecting those herbs," Dean said, walking out of the building.

"Dean, she made that deal for a reason." You got inside the car with him. He was driving this time.

"No, don't go feeling bad for her. She put this on herself. Besides, when I was searching for her gun, she grabbed the receipt I had in my pocket from when I checked us in at the motel. I don't know why she took it but I have a feeling she is going to be coming after us so we get Sam and we leave as soon as possible." Dean said. You sighed and nodded, taking out your phone.

"I'll call him." You dialed his phone and in a few seconds, he was answering. You put him on speakerphone so Dean could speak.

"Y/N," Sam answered.

"Yeah." You sighed.

"Did you get the Colt?"

"No, she didn't have it with her," Dean answered for you.

"So, does that mean Bela is, uh..." Sam trailed off.

"No, no, she deserves to die a dozen times over, but I couldn't do it." Dean sighed.


"I'm really screwed, Sammy," Dean said and at these words, you got tears in your eyes. You were weeks away from his death and you were nowhere near ready. You were running out of ideas on how to save him.

"No, you're just..." Sam got cut off by Dean.

"But you were right. Bela was a goose chase. The Colt's gone, and this time I'm really screwed, Sam."

"Maybe not. Look, Dean, I found Benton's cabin."

"You okay? Where is it?" You asked, knowing you would need that info for later.

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