Time Is On My Side- Part 1

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"I know. I'm sorry, Sam." You whispered. Dean picked this moment to come back in the house. He set the shovel against the wall and wiped the dirt off his hands.

"Bury the body?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. Looks like these demons ride them hard just for kicks," He grabbed a beer from the fridge and cracked one open before chugs it. He walked over to the couch and fell tiredly on it. "What was the phone call about?"

"Remember that thing in the paper yesterday?" Sam asked and you got up from your seat and walked over to Dean. You sat down in front of him and laid down, curling into his body. He welcomed you with open arms and kissed the top of your head. You smelled his delicious scent and stayed there while they talked.

"Stripper suffocates dude with thighs?" Dean asked with a dry chuckle.

"The other thing." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Right, the guy that walks into the E.R. and kneels over dead. His stomach ripped out?"

"His liver, actually. Anyways, I just found out something pretty damn interesting." Sam smiled.

"What?" You said, your voice muffled by Dean's chest. You turned over, still against his body but now you were facing Sam.

"The dead body covered in bloody fingerprints, not the victim's."

"Okay, great. My man Dave Caruso will be stoked to hear it." Dean said sarcastically.

"Those fingerprints match a guy who died in 1981."

"Really. So, what are we talking? Uh, walking dead? Walking, killing dead?" You spoke up with a confused look.

"Maybe." Sam shrugged.

"Zombies do like the other, other white meat. Huh. Speaking of, what do you care about zombies?" Dean asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you've been on soul-saving detail for months now. And we're three weeks out, and all of a sudden you're interested in some hot zombie action?"

"Hey, man, you're the one who's been all gung-ho to hunt. I just thought I'd be doing you a favor." Sam shrugged.

"Hey, no, no, no, no, no. I didn't say I didn't want to do it, okay. I mean obviously, I want to hunt some zombies." Dean chuckled.

"Okay, fine, whatever." Sam shrugged.

"That doesn't mean we stop soul-saving." You said and you felt Dean nod.

"Of course." He whispered, kissing the side of your head.


Arriving at the coroner's office, you met the coroner in his lab. The hospital he worked at was large so you had trouble finding it but you glad you did. You and the brothers were dressed up in your Fed suits which made the whole thing easier.

You met the coroner and immediately got into the case, talking about everything and anything about it.

"Yeah, the rest of the body was intact. The liver was the only organ missing." The coroner informed.

"Now, where the liver was ripped out, did you happen to notice any... ah... teeth marks?" Dean asked, trying not to sound insane. However, that didn't work because the coroner gave him an "Are you insane?" Look.

"Can I see your badges?" He asked, skeptical.

"Of course, sure," Sam said, taking out his badge and showing the man. You and Dean did the same.

"Fine. So, you're cops and morons." The man scoffed.

"Excuse me? No, no. We're very smart." Dean said, offended.

"The liver was not ripped out. It was removed. Surgically. By someone who knew their way around a scalpel. Didn't you read my report?"

"Of course, we did. Oh, it was riveting. It was a real page-turner, just delightful." Dean nodded sarcastically.

"You done?" The coroner didn't look amused.

"I think so."

"Please go away."

"Okay." Dean nodded and you left with the brothers. As you walked down the hallway, you caught a faint smile on Sam's face.

"What?" You asked the younger Winchester.

"Nothing. So, that kind of punches a hole in our zombie theory, huh, that scalpel thing?"

"Hey, we've never hunted a zombie before. What if this is how they do things?" You suggested but neither brother went for it.

"Maybe we're on the wrong track, looking for hacked-up corpses." Sam trailed off.

"What should we be looking for?" Dean asked.

"Survivors. This isn't zombie lunch. This is organ theft." You nodded and looked around, seeing a nurse come out of a patient's room. You walked away from the brothers and approached the woman with a smile. Oh, flashed her your badge before speaking.

"Hi, how are you? You haven't gotten any new patients with missing organs lately, have you?"

"As a matter of fact, we have. I'll show you to their room." She said with a smile and you turned to the brothers, motioning for them to follow you. They immediately did and the nurse took you three to a young man's room who was a victim of organ theft.

"Thank you so much." You said to the nurse with a smile and she nodded, leaving you alone. You opened the door and saw the young man watching tv. He looked to see who entered his room and immediately shook his head.

"I told the cops all of this yesterday. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"It's just a couple of questions, sir," Sam said, walking closer to him.

"Hey, man. I just got my kidney stolen. I'm tired." The man sighed.

"We'll be out of here quick. Don't you want to get the guy?" Dean asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Will it get me back my kidney?" The man harshly snapped. You sighed and walked closer to him, taking a seat next to his bed. He looked at you and you tried your best to appear sympathetic.

"Please, sir. What's the last thing you remember?" Maybe it was because of your gentle tone but he sighed and spoke.

"Feeding my meter. I got jumped from behind... and then I wake up strapped to a table. And then the worst pain you could possibly imagine, only worse. And then I black out again. Thank God. And then I wake up screaming in some no-tell motel in a bathtub full of ice."

"Do you remember anything about the surgery – you know, what the guy looked like, any details about the room?" Dean asked from behind you.

"Let me think about that. Yeah... one thing is coming back to me. You know what I remember? Getting my kidney cut out of my body!" The man began yelling and you nodded, getting up from the bed.

"Alright, thank you." You motioned to leave and thankfully, the brothers listened. You left the room and sighed when the door was closed.

"Now What?" You asked with a sigh.

"Research," Sam said with a smile but you and Dean groaned, dreading the idea.

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin