19 | Critical

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Author's Note: Before you guys read this, I wanted to let you know that I've tweaked the cast list a bit. (If you pay attention to that kinda stuff). You are free to envision the characters as whoever you wish. But I've changed it because it fits my visions better and it also fits the cast in the TRAILER! Yeah, I know it's a bit late to make a trailer but I did so check it out under the media. It focuses more on Jack & Lexi rather than the other characters, which I think is PERFECT for this chapter. Now, onto the chapter!


I can't eat or sleep 

When you're not with me 

✝ Chapter Nineteen | Critical

   Almost a half an hour after school let out, Jack and I arrived at the Rayleton town center where plenty of shops were located – including his father’s motor shop. Jack had parked his truck right out front because he mentioned his dad would be using it later.

   The sun was at its highest in the sky, the temperature probably in the low eighties. Thankfully, Jack promised there was air conditioning inside unlike the last visit. We walked alongside each other to the entrance where Jack threw the door open and let a gust of air escape the shop. He held the door open and waited for me to step inside before he followed suit.

  Almost immediately, a middle aged man seemingly in his mid-forties glanced up when the chimes on the door sounded. His hair was a tousled honey brown, sticking out in different angles. Grease was smudged on one of his high cheekbones as well as the dirty coveralls he currently wore. He gave me a puzzles look, blinking a few times. It was then I realized he had the same transparent blue eyes as Jack’s. They were definitely related.

   “Hey, Pop!” Jack greeted ecstatically as he took leisurely steps towards his father.

   The man shifted his gaze to his son. “Hey there, Jackson! I was fixin’ to call you to tell you to hurry up.” His voice was thick with a southern accent. It reminded me of the lady from the bookstore.

  Jack’s lips stretched into an amused smile. “I’m here now, Pop. Car’s outside, full tank. You’re welcome.” He moved towards the checkout counter and jumped over it, popping up on the other side. In a few quick movements, he opened the cash register and began to count the money.

   I shifted awkwardly, letting my eyes roam around the shop.

   “Three-fifty?” Jack asked, raising a light eyebrow. “Didn’t we start with three hundred?”

  Jack’s dad released a heavy sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m goin’ downtown, get some paint ‘er somethin’. This place here needs a makeover. I’ll be back, say, two hours. Cover me ‘til then.” He gave his son a quick nod before he made his way to the exit, his eyes meeting mine again. “And who are you?” he asked accusingly as if I was a trespasser.

   “Leave her alone, Pop,” Jack called from behind the counter. “Her name is Lexi. She’s a really nice girl.”

    I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.

  “Better be if she’s fine goin’ to a motor shop for a date!” His dad cackled loudly, not even attempting to hide his amusement. He snapped his eyes back to his son. “Two hours, you hear me? Whatever y’all do, use a condom. I have some in that drawer over there. And don’t do it on my counter! Clean up after you’re done, I don’t wanna clean up your mess.” His eyes slowly moved back to mine. “Take care.” And with those words, he was out of the door.

   Snapping my gaze to Jack, I lifted a brow. “Uh … What was that about?”

   Jack shook his head, chuckling softly. “Don’t worry, he’s just like that.”

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