24 | 6 Minutes

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This could be the end

Or it's just the beginning


✝  Chapter Twenty Four | 6 Minutes ✝ 

I knew it was wrong.

I knew that West was nothing but bad news. I knew he would toy with my heart just like before. I didn't know what made me believe that he wouldn't, but a part of me knew that I hadn't completely gotten over West. That was evident. I told myself countless times that I was done with that asshole, but it obviously wasn't true because I was actually kissing him back.

I didn't want to. My mind kept telling me to stop, but my body just didn't want to comply. It was as if my insides knew I had been yearning for this moment for a whole year. To be honest, I've wanted to kiss those lips ever since I saw them two days ago.

I knew that made me a bad person. I was dating Jack. I actually liked Jack, a lot. So why was I giving in to West, the boy who had tore my heart in two and stomped on it, crushing it to pieces? Why was I giving him the satisfaction?

He broke away from the kiss only seconds later but still gazed into my eyes with his intense deep umber orbs. The sunlight seemed to hit his tanned skin in the perfect angle, making him glow. He let out heavy breaths as his thumb traced the outline of my bottom lip. "I know you miss me too," he spoke in a low tone.

I was unable to speak. The words sat at the tip of my tongue but I didn't know how to say them. What could I say? How could I say that I betrayed my boyfriend? How could I say that I went against everything I believed in? West was the cheater. Not me.

"I do," I admitted just as the corners of my lips tugged into the faintest of smiles. Lately, I've been questioning why I had even fallen for the guy in the first place. He was easy on the eyes, maybe. Smart with his words, definitely. But he was manipulative, possessive and a bit on the crazy side. "I miss you constantly putting me down and patronizing me. I miss your big ego and I still can't believe that I fell for you!" I placed my hands on his hard chest and shoved him away with all my strength.

He only stumbled backward a little while staring back at me with wild, dark eyes. "Lex..."

I held a finger up to his lips, silencing him. "Don't call me that."

West sighed, but gave a side smile while taking small steps backwards. He ran a hand through his slick, wet, dark hair, flexing his muscles in the process before holding up his hands to show he meant no harm. "You're angry," he stated.

I stared up at him in disbelief, shaking my head slightly. My arms involuntarily folded against my chest as I took a more defensive stance. "I have a boyfriend, West, and I'm perfectly happy with him."

His thick brows pulled together. "So, you have a boyfriend but you let me kiss you?"

I poked the inside of my cheek with my tongue in an attempt to put my anger at bay. "What do you want, West? I'm tired of your stupid games."

His gaze shifted towards the slightly cloudy sky as he pondered in deep thought. Finally returning his eyes to mine, he said, "Six minutes. Just give me six minutes and I promise I can change your mind about me. That's all I want."

I could feel my jaw growing slack, getting rid of any evidence I had of standing my ground. I was weak - a trait that always seemed to surface when I was around him. "Fine," I sighed heavily. "Talk."

His head cocked to the right, giving me a questioning look. "I don't want to use my six minutes now. You see," He glanced down to his bare torso, then back at me, "I'm half naked. How about we meet here when the sun sets? That way we'll have the lake to ourselves."

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