Chapter 1 London

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I was laying on the roof of Stark Tower. No one was bothering me as I watch the sunset.

"HOW COULD YOU LOOSE HER TONY?!" I smirk as I hear Steve yelling from the floor below me. I'm right here idiots. Thunder echoes from below me and I start to laugh. Tony's screwed.

"YOU LOST HER. YOU FIND HER!" I swear they treat me like a child too often, if only they knew what I could do. I stand with a loud sigh once the sun sinks fully below the horizon. The door to the stairs shuts and I turn around to see someone I wasn't expecting. His pale features stand out against the lights on the roof, my smile fades a little as he walks towards me and places a hand on my chin.

"They're looking for you." I nod. God. Stop looking so freaking hot all the time. How does he look hot? Being the Frost Giant he is. I smirk again at my own joke.

" I'm surprised they haven't realised I come up here every night at the same time. " Loki smirks softly, and whispers in my ear.

"I've noticed." I feel my cheeks heat up a little. Dang it. Stop doing things like this. He pulls back and walks to the edge of the building, sitting and swinging his legs over the edge.

" STARK. SHE CAN'T BE LEFT ALONE! " Thor's voice echoes into my ears and I look back at the door.

"I'm not alone." I mutter and turn back towards Loki.

"Wait?! WHERE'S MY BROTHER?!" I chuckle at Thor again. I walk to Loki and sit down a few feet away from him, looking to the ground.

"Please dont." I look up as Loki speaks and I shrug.

" then come with me. " I use a portion of my ability and create a flying reptile similar to the Banshees in Avatar. I smirk at it. God I love this movie so much. I look at Loki before climbing onto the blue-green creature. He smiles a little and stands up.

"Well, I can't let you be alone. Stark would kill me." I smirk again.

" you want your own? " Once the words leave, I regret them. Loki nods and I create another, this one having bits of yellow in it.

"It like a-" I get cut off as he mounts and flies off the tower with it, nose diving towards the ground. I follow quickly. We barely pull up from the ground, gaining height again. I giggle as the Tower fades behind us. We keep flying to the edge of New York, going out towards the sea. I let Loki direct us, his reptile not slowing as we pass Ellis Island. I urge mine faster to fly next to him.

"Where are we going?!" My face gets a smile as he looks over at me.

" you'll see. " We keep going. The moon lifting into the sky. Loki dives down towards the water, skimming it with his ride's wings. I follow shortly.

"You going to name her?" I call again.

" you're quite the talker. " Loki mumbles and pauses before speaking up again, "I was thinking of Skyfire." He smiles softly and pats her neck. I smile widely and stroke my reptile.

" how about you? You going to name yours? " My smile fades a little. I didn't think about it.

"Maybe... I didn't really think on i- oh! How about Phoenix?" I look over at her wings to see them fade to a red-orange at the tips, which is what gave me the idea. We smile at each other for a second, then Loki nods in approval. I shift a little and slowly look back to where we are going.

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