We Meet Again

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Just as I open my mouth to speak, Bella screams and Mesmerizing Eyes escapes. Okay first let me tend to Bella, I'll catch up to her later. Mother and Father I sense are acting as if they didn't notice out brief encounter but I can tell they are curious. I hurriedly continue to the kitchen because now Bella is all out throwing a fit. We enter the kitchen and Mother begins to make a warm bottle for Bella Jeez if anyone would have told me that I would I would be a single father, I would have probably laughed in their face. But here I am cradling the most precious gift I have been given. As I give Bella her bottle, my Father clears his throat first while my Mother busy herself tidying up the spotless kitchen. That's one thing I love about my dad. He doesn't take long to address an issue. Guess that's what makes him such a wonderful ruler and father.

King: "So back there what was that? Seemed as if a story and history were there..."

Houston: "No history there...Well not in the sense you are thinking. We briefly met at a club. She was there with her friends and I there with mine. We spoke and then she disappeared. Case closed." 

King: "Hmm" 

Queen: "Well now that we've cleared that up. Please tell us about my beautiful granddaughter. Her full name? Where is her mother? When and where was she born? Has she developed her gifts yet?". She is asking so many questions that after she finishes she's panting for breath.

Houston: "Her name is Bella Monet. She was born July 28th. Never mind about her mom. She is a non-factor in our lives. She hasn't shown an signs of her gifts but I know it will be soon. All in all she is a laid back baby well until she's hungry. As you guys just clearly witnessed."

Queen: "Well I won't probe any further about her mom as long as there are no threats to you and her." My Father looks and gives a curt nod as well. 

As we finish catching up, I notice Bella's eyes are closing again and I know have to hurry and get ready for tonight. Bidding Mother and Father a see you in minute, I walk to my bedroom and chuckle. I guess Mother didn't waste anytime letting the staff know I'm back and with Bella. My whole bedroom has been transformed. Because my room is so large, half is set up like a nursery with other half just the way I left it. Placing Bella in her crib, I give her a brief kiss and hurry to get ready. After my showering, I see I have about 15 minutes to change and dress Bella when I hear the most beautiful sound coming from the other side of the wall. Using my hyper hearing, I hear a beautiful voice singing "Angel of Mine". I am so captivated by the voice that I nearly miss the canopy over Bella's crib catch fire. Oh shit. I hurry to dose the flame and pick up Bella. She giggles as I blow soft kisses on her belly. 

"Well my little bat is a fire starter. Gotta baby proof and fire proof the rest of the house now. Your Grandma is going to have a scream fest when I let her know you've tapped into your gift. But come little one let's get ready." Quickly changing her diaper and giving her a quick bath in the sink, I dress her in a cute turquoise and gold dress with matching headband like crown and booties. She looks like one of those Baby Alive dolls people keep on their shelf. She is really beautiful and my seed. Giving quick kiss, I place her in the play pen and hurry to finish getting dressed. The final touch is my crown. I find in the box at the back of my closet. Checking ourselves out in the mirror, we head out to the Grand Ballroom. The closer I get the entrance, the stronger I smell her scent. My pants get tighter with each step. Damn this is going to be a long night. I enter the Ballroom with Bella in my arms and the hold room turns and gasps. 

"Happy Feast of Souls, everyone" is what I say before the shock wears off completely. I step forward to join my family on the stage. I look to see Hanna is with Collin and Loki with a auburn haired woman. Wow my siblings have really grown up on me. I look at the way Hanna is staring loving at Collin ad I know it was a mistake to keep them apart for so long. But being the future king, I was selfish and didn't see this at the time.

Houston: "My haven't you grown Hanna-Banana. Even got rid of those pesky glasses and braces. And Loki, you aren't lanky anymore. May actually beat me in wrestling match now." I wait with baited breath before anyone speaks and finally Loki does.

Loki: "I bet I win if we do" and cracks a smile.
Hanna: "Big brother, I missed you so much. Never do that again. And leave Collie out of it too" she says and engulfs be in a hug careful of Bella. Following our quick family reunion, the music starts back up and I place Bella in the carriage next to the stage. I check to make sure she is comfortable and protected before mingling and finding that scent. Before I walk into the crowd,  I see a pair of eyes staring in my direction heading for the terrace. Maybe the Fates are working in my favor tonight.

Epiphany (after seeing Houston on stairs):
I hurry into my bedroom not noticing Zion and Aura's eyes on me. I am too consumed with emotion to form a sentence so I throw myself face down on the bed and scream into the pillows. I feel the bed dip so I guess the girls have come to find out my problem. I calm my breathing and roll over to face 4 pair of eyes.
"IkindasortasawthisguyIrememberfrommy18thbirthday..."I rush out.
Z: "Okay that makes it not easy to understand"
A: "Yeah I caught bits and pieces of words....I and birthday. You want something for your birthday???"
E: "No I just say this guy I remember from my 18th birthday. Zion you remember him. He was so dark and handsome. Muscles in all the right places. We danced pretty close and were about to kiss when yall dragged me out Xenon.??"
Zion has a confused look on her face but then it's like a light bulb goes off and she remembers. In glad because just describing him was making me all hot and bothered.
Z: "Oh yeahhhh...so what about him?"
E: "So what?!?! I just saw him with the King and Queen with a baby!!!! Like you guys didn't sense he was a vampire back then?!?!? I was almost seduced by a vampire?!?!? OMG I would have been giving my virginity to a vampire?!?!?!" I turn and scream into the pillow again just as Aura laughs and falls off the bed.
A: " E, you are such an overdramatic human."
Z: "Yeah Ny. You weren't all that against losing your virginity that night. So I doubt knowing he was a vampire would have deterred you. If I remember correctly, yall were practically dry humping on the dance floor. But anyway, he's probably visiting for the Feast so let's hurry and get dressed. I need you to do my makeup and curl my hair. So come on Buttercup before Blossom tries to burn my scalp again." She says with a laugh and Pat's my butt. I huff but turn over. Oh well guess I'll suck it up for now.

(After Houston walks into the Ballroom)
OMG, the mold was not broken when he was created. He's even more handsome than I remembered. I'm hidden in the corner so he hasn't sensed that I'm checking him out, which is good because I don't think I could deal with those eyes on me right now. His suit fits his body so well that I can see every ripple of muscle when he moves. His hair is slicked back but he has an unruly tuff that's kinda trying to escape. I move my gaze to the baby in his arms and I gasp. She is so adorable. She has golden curls, dimpled rosy cheeks, and pouty lips. He's going to have a hard time keeping the boys away when she gets older. I am so caught up in my assessment that I almost miss him walking to the stage and greeting the royal family as if they knew each other. I mean sure they probably have met but this greeting seems too familiar. Hold on, I notice the resemblance between all of them. God, how could I have not remembered. He is like a carbon copy of the King with hints of the Queen's likeness. He must be the Prince that everyone spoke about leaving and never returning. I try to inch away from the party because I really need some fresh air. Just as I make my way to the terrace, I take a final glance and there they are. Those orbs that make me want to jump his bones and let him have his way with me. Damn, the Fates are not in my favor tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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