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Sooo the story is building slowly and I hate that so there will be time skips in a the next section. Additionally we finally meet Houston. 

4 years later:

Epiphany (22 yrs old):

"When I get my hands on those Two, they're going to wish for mercy"

I am currently rushing around the Palace trying to finish last minute decorations for the Feast of Souls. The Twins were supposed to be helping me but of course they bailed to be with their Beloveds. Yes, I said Beloveds and Twins in the same sentence. Four years have really changed them and not for the better, might I add. See after I got over the initial shock of my bestest friends being vampires, I grew to love them even more. They are my best pals and nothing could change that even with their powers, which might I add are super cool. Zion can control living creatures and shape-shift, while Taj can control the weather and read minds. Even still they were on my shit list today for sure. 

As I near the dining hall, I see the foursome cuddled up on the couch making out. I sneak up behind them with a bucket of confetti and just as I inch to dump it on their heads I hear a snicker. 

"We can hear your heart beat Ny so drop the bucket," says Taj. I growl and within a flash I throw all the confetti in their faces and make a mad dash for the dining hall. Just as I reach my destination a cloud of smoke envelops me and I know that I'm caught. Stupid Zion and her powers. I hit the corner and pray my legs don't give out before I reach Solomon's study. But just my luck as I look back to see if the fog had lifted, I trip over my feet and land with a thud into Aura and Trident, Taj's and Zion's beloved. Aura has the ability to sense one's presence or aura and Trident controls water. Oh and yep you guessed it their twins as well. I know right just my luck to have double trouble times two. 

"You really have to get a better handle of those two left feet, E" laughs Aura.

"Yeah if you ever try out for track then we're doomed" jokes Trident.

"Hardy har har, you two are just nonstop comedians" I reply. "But come on and deliver me to your leaders so we can finish prepping for tonight"

We head back down the hall and enter the dining hall. You see we are in charge of catering and decorating. We more like I am in charge of catering and the other four snack and joke around while decorating. I look around and see that Zion and Taj are sitting at the table eating the Mac & Cheese balls I made. 

E: "Hey, you two no eating if you haven't finished your job"

Taj: "Well who else will you get to sample and tell you if this recipe needs fixing"

Tre: "Exactly so technically you've hired us for two jobs at the price of one so you owe use compensation. Right babe??"

Z: "Of course bae. Whatever you say. I love it when you get all intelligent. Can't wait to show you how much later on tonight"

A: "Eww gross you two. At least save it for the bedroom like me and Tajee do"

E: "Alright how about all 4 of you horny adults help me and leave the sex talk for a later maybe never."

Z: "Aww guys you forget Ny is still a virgin and we're making her blush. 

E: "Jeez Zi, say it loud for the whole coven to hear why don't you. I'm going to finish cooking. You guys finish up here and please leave enough food for everyone else"

I head into the kitchen as I hear them still cracking jokes. Oh well, let them have their fun. Yeah so what if I'm a 22 year old virgin. I'm waiting for my special Zing just like they did but of course it's harder for me. I don't date or even matter unless I'm drug along to be the 5th wheel. No one knows my true identity except the Twins, and their Beloveds of course, and King Solomon and Queen Merida. Everyone else believes I ran away from home and I was found by the Twins on the outskirts. No one would believe I was a Princess, never mind my witch ancestors. I miss being the popular girl but that's in another life. So I'm left being Epiphany, the human who just so happens to live with vampires, and I'm cool with that. 

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