Twilight Is For Nerds

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Vampires....I've seriously lost my mind. Who the hell do they think I am...This is on of the Twins pranks...Yeah prank...
Okay, guys you got me. Where are the cameras? I know I was gone for a week and you got mad, Zion. But come on Vampires. You guys!!!! I laugh as I point between the two of them.
And you guys hired an actor. Which show are you from sir? Catfish? Cheaters??

By this time, I am laughing so hard that tears are coming and my sides start to ache.

Are you done now Ny? Taj finally says once my laughter dies down. Zion speaks up next, We are not pranking you at all. This is the truth. We are Vampires and this is our coven.
Yeah right. Vampires are real and I'm Bella Swan. I say with an eye roll and snicker.

I turn to the Older Mystery Guy, King Solomon, now because he has just watched our whole interaction without a word.

So you mind telling me the truth because obviously I've pissed my best friends off so much that they have to lie.

Your friends aren't lying Princess. They are vampires and this is my land. They brought you here for protection, say King Solomon.

I'm still awestruck so the next thing they did really sent me to the looney bin.

Alright Ny since you won't believe us, we'll have to show you, said Zion, and all three of their eyes changed color and fangs extended. 

Oh shit were the last words out my mouth before I meet the darkness. 


Well I'll be damned. She fainted. 

Zion POV

She really will not like this when she wakes up again. Oh well maybe the bump to her head will help.

King Solomon POV

Wow, children.... But I can see why she's friends with the Twins. They have a unique bond even without her knowing their true identity. Well can't leave her laying her all day so I tell the twins to each grab an end and bring her back to palace. As they pick her up, I tell them to flit back to the castle as I go speak with the Elders about our company. They nod their understanding and disappear as I flit to the palace, I make it back right as the twins are going inside. I walk to our City Hall. This is where the Elders "work", per say. You see we maybe supernatural but we ave mastered the act of disguise. To the outside world we are a small but growing community with our own government but in reality we are a coven. I stand as the leader or King, then there are the Elders. They are the keeper of our records and codes. See even if I were to make a decree, they still would vote and make the decision. Which is why I have to notify them of the Princess. Although we are not rouge vampires and cause harm to humans, it's still rare for one to cross our land and be welcomed willingly. I quickly inform the Elders and head back to the palace. As I am nearing the palace, I hear the rapid beating of a heart and realize the Princess has finally awaken. Here we go again....

Entering the palace, all the staff turn and bow to me.  I acknowledge each with a brief nod and make my way to the East Wing. Walking with ease, I make it to them and see the funniest sight. The Twins are on the floor laughing their asses off while the Princess is standing on the bed with two pencils put together like a cross. She is yelling at them to stand back or she'll put it through their hearts. Oh the poor humans. Thanks to Buffy and Supernatural shows, they are so misinformed. I stand at the door a little longer just to see how it'll play out then turn to head to the Royal Wing. I think the Twins can handle her on their own for a while, well at least until I have eaten.

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