Chapter 2: Party Like A King

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"You can literally see my bra." I looked in the mirror, disgusted by my own reflection. The outfit was cute, but it wasn't me at all.

"That's the idea babes." My other friend, Jenifer, said. She stood up and stood behind me in the mirror and smiled. Whether it was at me or herself I would never know.

My top was a see - through black top which clearly displayed my black bra. And paired with a baby pink, short, tight skirt. (All outfits at bottom)

"I look like an idiot."

"Correction. You look like an idiot who is going to get a man." I rolled my eyes and turned around to look at her outfit. How did everything look so good on her?

Her brown long hair hung to her waist and (unlike mine) was perfectly straightened almost looking natural... almost. She wore a very trendy black skirt and an off-the-shoulder bronze jacket.

Jenifer was not our roommate. But she might as well pay rent for the amount of days she stays here. She lives in a house with 'other friends'. I, of course, have never met these friends but I trust Jenifer; if she says she's somewhere then she is.

"Your outfit is more conservative than mine!" I whined. Honestly, I was pulling any strings I could to convince her to release me from the hell that was fashion.

"Yeah, but I have no one to impress. I'm happily engaged, Anna. We've had this conversation before."
Ah yes. The infamous Austin. Jenifer's life goal was to not let any of meet him. On the occasions he did visit Katie and I would (coincidentally) be out.

But why? Was she hiding something?

"Now we are going to get wasted. Get crazy. And finally, get that V- Card taken!" Jenifer poured us shots and clinked her glass against mine. Proclaiming a happy 'Cheers'.

The liquid burned the back of my throat. At this point, I couldn't tell if it was Vodka or Lemonade. As long as it got the job done, I didn't care.

"Where are we meeting Katie?"

"At the club if she remembers." Jenifer turned and winked at me before putting her right earring in.

I grabbed my purse and checked for the essentials.

And then I left to go to hell.

• • •

"I love you sooooo much Anna!" Katie shouted over the heavy club music.

"I love you too!" I slurred before quickly downing another shot. I can't remember how much I've drunk... but I feel great.

The club was dark and smelt like body odour. But I was distracted by the neon lights hanging above us and the DJ on a bright pink podium at the front of the dance- floor. The bar was long and was in front of rows upon rows of delicious... alcohol. Bottles of all shapes, colours and sizes were on display, like cakes in a café.

I was pulled out of my thoughts (quite literally) by Katie's pale, bony hand. Jenifer winked at me then started moving her hips. Following her lead, Katie started to do the Macarena (even though the song playing wasn't the Macarena). I started moving my hips to the beat too completely in time with Jenifer. We laughed and giggled for hours until...

"Oh my god! I need to pee so bad!" After gaining the nod of approval from Jenifer, I clenched my thighs together and walked to the bathroom. I pushed past the sweaty bodies and threw myself into the long line for the bathroom.

Like A King | #wattys2019Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora