eight | huge terrors and small kisses!

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The clown's demonic smile seemed to melt into their souls, and they all panicked even more as the clown's face morphed more and more into it's shape, and they all tried getting the projector turned off.

"What the fuck is that?! What the fuck is that?!" Richie screamed, holding onto both Arianna's arm and Eddie's shoulder in fear.

"I don't fucking know!" Eddie screamed back, his high pitched voice highering as he screamed.

Arianna ran over to the garage door, trying to unlock it so she could allow the light inside, but the lock would budge.

"Turn it off!" Beverly yelled, though Bill was frozen, not knowing what to do. "Turn it off!"

"She said to turn the damn thing off!" Arianna screamed at Bill, but thankfully, Mike pushed Bill out the way and kicked the projector to the floor, and the room went dark.

Arianna heard her heart pounding in her chest. The sound of everyone's shaky breaths trying to catch their breaths filled the suddenly silent room. Arianna's eyes flickered over to Richie and they made eye contact. They started walking towards each other when suddenly, out of nowhere, the project turned back on, showing blurred versions of the clown, as if It was moving.

It showed a couple more of those blurred photographs, when it went dark in the room again. In that quick second, Arianna and Richie tried to make it toward each other.

Suddenly, the clown popped out the screen, larger than humanly possible with teeth as sharp as razors. The losers all panicked and started screaming, scrambling to get away from the horrific clown.

Arianna's eyes widened as the clown giggled and faced Stanley who stood by the board, frozen in fear. "Stanley!" Arianna screamed, grabbing him by his stiff arm and yanking him away from the gigantic clown.

And that's when the clown's head snapped towards Arianna, and Arianna's blood ran cold. "Come here, child! Don't ya wanna float like the others?" The clown asked with a nasty cackle.

"No!" She screamed at It with fear, too scared to move.

"I promise you, there's no pain at the circus!" The clown started laughing hysterically, then quickly crawling over to her, where she stood paralyzed in fear.

"Arianna, move the fuck away from It!" They all screamed at the girl, but she couldn't hear as the clown's laugh filled her ears, sounding as chalk scraping against a board in her ears.

Just as It was about to grab her, Mike and Ben opened the garage door, sunlight beaming into the dark garage. Arianna blinked a couple of times, seeing the clown was gone, though her heart was still pounding in her chest and it rang in her ears.

"Arianna Jayden Taylor, what the actual fuck were you thinking?!" Richie asked, rushing up to her.

The kids all stood in fear as they watched, trying to process what had just happened.

Arianna wasn't even fazed that he said her middle name, she didn't even shrug or shake her head. Her eyes stayed widened, and she just shakily wrapped her arms around his shoulders, thankful that he was here to comfort her. She released from the hug and turned to Mike and Ben, silently thanking them both in a shaky voice.

"It - It saw us! It knows where we are!" Eddie pointed out after a couple of seconds of silence.

"It always has." Bill realized, then he turned around and started walking to his bike. "C'mon, l - let's go."

"Go? Go where?" Ben asked with a lifted eyebrow.

"Neibolt. That's where G - G - Georgie is." Bill responded, walking his bike towards the group and stopping in the middle of the driveway.

"After that?" Sydney asked, gesturing towards her little sister, who was still in a somewhat shock. "Yeah, that's not happening." (mama harrington who?)

"Yeah, it's summer. We should be outside..." Richie trailed off.

"If you say it's summer one more f - f - fucking time..." Bill grumbled, before grabbing his bike handles and taking it to the street, jumping on it and starting to pedal away.

"Bill, wait!" Beverly called out in frustration, but Bill rode out of sight. Everybody looked at each other and went to their bikes, Mike giving Sydney a ride. They all rode off, leaving Arianna and Richie barely getting on the bike.

Richie looked back at Arianna with worry in his eyes. "Are you okay?"

Arianna nodded. "Yeah."

"Ya sure? That was some crazy shit."

"Yes. Thanks for being there for me." Arianna smiled, before taking all of the courage she had in her, and leaning up and kissing his cheek.

Richie's eyes widened and his cheeks turned a bright shade of red, and he didn't say anything. He only stepped on the pedal and started pedalling after the others. Both of the kids knew one thing for sure.

There definitely was a spark as her lips touched his cheek.


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