Chapter 24

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-Oh would you look at that👀👀 I updated😇
-Wasn't gonna update until next week, but since I'm feeling generous, and I'm at a family reunion, and I'm sitting in the corner of the room, on my phone, being the anti social person i am, i shall give you guys an update!

Okay enough me rambling about my boring lifeu, onto the story!


The next day

"Hyung, we know what they're planning to do, we're 10 steps ahead of them so lets just get Aria back!" Jungkook argued. The boys were sitting in the lounge of a penthouse Taehyung had bought earlier that day.

"I agree Taehyung." Namjoon spoke up. "We already know their plan, so let's go get Aria before Taeyang does something to her."

Taehyung stood at the window that was from the floor all the way to the roof. Hands shoved in his black formal pants. Tie loosened, hair slightly messy. He didn't say anything, he was too busy thinking.

"Taehyung." Jin put his hand on the youngers shoulder making Taehyung look at him.

"I know Hyung, I know. I'm just afraid that they might hurt her." He gulped as he averts his eyes back to the scenery before him.

"They won't." Hoseok walked into the room. "I have a plan."

Everyone looked at Hoseok including Taehyung.

"I'm listening." Said Taehyung.


Taeyang walks into the lightly dimmed room with a plate of food in his hand. You had woken up a few hours ago. You were on the bed hugging your knees. You wanted to get out of here, you wanted to see Taehyung. You hadn't paid any attention to the man that just walked into the room.

"Please eat." He left the food on the drawer besides the bed. You didn't respond. He sat next to you and tried to touch you but you moved back.

"Don't touch me." You growled. He smirks. "Feisty, I like it." You rolled your eyes. "You need to eat, to be healthy. I don't want my future wife to get sick." He said.

You looked at him with widen eyes. "Excuse me? Future wife?" You asked, disgusted by what he had said. He let out a dark chuckle. "Yes babe future wife."

"No." You said firmly. "You think you have a choice baby?" He asked as he leaned in, making you shudder with disgust. "You will be my wife. And there's nothing you can do." He said as he got up and left the room. You let the tears that had been threatening to fall, fall. You didn't stop them.

"Taehyung, Taehyung please save me." You sobbed.


"Okay, sounds like a bullet proof plan." Jimin said as they went over the plan again.

"When do we take action?" Asked Jin.

"Tonight." Taehyung answered. The boys nodded.

"Anyone seen Yoongi Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"No I haven't, haven't seen him since this morning." Namjoon said fishing out his phone. "I'll try and call him." Namjoon said, dialing Yoongi's number.

"No answer." Namjoon closed his phone. Hoseok sighed. "I wonder where he is." Hoseok said.

"I hope he comes back soon." Jimin said, holding the bridge of his nose as he slouched on the couch.

"He'll be fine, he's Yoongi after all." Jin assured them. He knew where Yoongi was, he knew all too well.


"Good job in making them think they're ahead of us." Taeyang clapped his hands. The man rolled his eyes.

"I want my money."

"Oh you'll get your money..." Taeyang looked at the man.


 Cold Hearted Billionaire >>K.TH √Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz