He watched as Ashley disappeared into the kitchen and sat down to watch the game. He heard the knock again and they wouldn’t stop knocking. When would they get the concept that no one is fucking home can’t they just leave. In the middle of the play he heard the door break open and jumped off the couch.

 “Who are you?” he said his voice mildly shaking

 They whispered arguing only catching little things like alone, money and…kill

“No one where are your parents?” the first one asked. He thought about it quickly and decided it wasn’t smart to say they were home alone

 “They’re upstairs what do you want?” he asked them

“You’re not a good liar boy,” he said giving Dylan a wicked smile. “Listen we just came for the money if you hand it over we don’t have to use this,” he said pulling out a gun. Dylan took a step back stumbling a little and looked into the kitchen quickly where Ashley and Austin were. They were both still eating their food and didn’t notice. He sighed and looked back at them.

 “Ok you can have whatever you want,” Dylan said nervously

“We know there’s a safe what’s the code?” this Dylan did not know. He shook his head nervously, “What’s the code boy tell us now!” he yelled and this time when he looked at Ashley and Austin he saw Ashley starting to walk over. He gave her the look to stay back and she immediately stopped and he shook his head again and the man.

 “I don’t know I swear I didn’t even know we had a safe I swear it,” he said nervously

 “Come here,” he said raising the gun motioning for Dylan to come. Dylan obliged walking over to them. The second man gripped Dylan’s arm as the one with the gun held it against his back.

 “Take us to your parents room,” he said pushing him forward. Dylan nervously looked at him and glanced at the kitchen seeing as Ashley and Austin were walking away. Austin looked confused but Ashley kept glancing back at Dylan.

 She looked at him with worry. She felt as everything was crashing down on them. Was it just ten minutes ago they were fighting about who was in charge and she was making Mac and Cheese? Terrible how things could switch from good to bad in such a small amount of time…

 She looked back at Dylan and held up her phone when Dylan looked at her she saw a flitter of relief go through his eyes but it was quickly gone when the gun was shoved t his back again making him move.

 She hurried quickly up the stairs with Austin in hand and hurriedly went up tot heir parents, which had the biggest closest so they could both hide together and she could call 911.

 “Ashley where are we going?” Austin said squirming under her tight grip of his arm

 “Aus you have to do everything I say ok and right now you have to be quiet ok so please be quiet,” she said putting a finger over her month like they show the little kids. Austin saw the worry in her eyes and obeyed everything she said.

 They walked up the stairs quietly and went into their parents closest where Ashley called 911. Austin was confused most of the time but did everything Ashley said. A few seconds after Ashley had called 911 Dylan with the two guys came into the room Dylan being shoved in the back with a gun.

 “Where is it?” the first man asked shoving him into the room

“I told you I don’t know I didn’t even know we fucking had one,” he said annoyed. Austin saw through the little holes in the closest door as the second man punched Dylan’s side and Ashley thought quickly and covered Austin’s mouth before he could scream out.

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