Chapter 22

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Chandler's POV {a day later}

Today, I'm moving in with Andy. And I'm thrilled to be leaving this place and to be moving in with someone I trust, but I don't wanna be a burden.

He told me he had an eight year old daughter, and I don't want to intrude on their life.

But then again, I really like Andy. He's a really cool guy and he's someone I trust. Maybe this won't be too bad.

I currently had all my belongings in a suitcase in the floorboard of Andy's car. He was taking me to his house, and I was getting a little nervous. What if I screw this up and he sends me back to the children's home? I really hope that doesn't happen.

All thoughts are set aside when we pull into Andy's driveway. "Listen kid, my 19 year old nephew is in there right now keeping an eye on Payton. He's very loud so don't be alarmed." He said laughing a little, causing me to laugh slightly too. "Yes sir." I said. "Hey, Andy?" I asked.

"Yeah, kid?"

"Thank you."

time skip

When we walked inside I saw a redheaded little girl playing Legos with a tall brown haired guy. The little girl was wearing a backwards baseball hat, and a blue long sleeved shirt. The guy just looked intimidating.

"Hey, Uncle Andy! This the kid you were talking about?" The guy said rather loudly, walking towards us. I didn't know what to do or say, so I just stood there looking like a deer caught in headlights. Something about the way he said 'Uncle Andy' sounded really familiar, but I couldn't figure out why.

"Yep. This is Chandler." Andy said.

"Hi." I said awkwardly. The little girl then came walking over.

"Sup. I'm Payton." She said as she fist bumped me. Wow, this kid is already smoother than me, and she's an eight year old girl!

"Wanna see my room?" Payton asked me.

"Y-yeah, sure." I answered.

She leads me up the stairs and into her room. I was expecting to see pink walls and barbies and all that typical little girl stuff, but her room wasn't like that at all. She had light orange walls with soccer stickers on them, and a bed with plaid, pink and orange bedding. There were a few boxes of stuff piled up, evident that they just moved in.

"Here, I'll show you your room." She said. Wait why do I have a room? I thought I'd just crash on then couch.

"I have a room?" I asked her. "Well duhhh. You live here now." She answered.

Payton led me across the hall to a room with white walls and a full sized bed. "It's not much, but my dad says you can decorate it however you want." She shrugged.

{time skip}

3rd Person POV
Chandler was sitting in his new room, that he thanked Andy for about a million times. It made Andy kinda feel bad for Chandler, being so grateful just for a simple, bare bedroom.

Chandler thought about the first, and only time he's ever got his room decorated at the age of 5.

William and Gena were getting everything ready for Chandler's 5th birthday party.

"Did you put the animal stickers on his walls?" Gena asked her husband. "Yep! He's gonna love them!" William said excitedly. They were gonna get Chandler baseball stickers, then Will pointed out he's not really into that kinda stuff.

Will had always known more about Chandler, and it always drove Gena crazy. If Chandler was given the choice between his dad or his mom reading him a bedtime story, it was always his dad. Chandler adored Will, and he was Will's little buddy.

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