college talk

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Not edited because I'm not even supposed to be updating. I have finals to study for.

it was nice having a boyfriend. it was nice feeling excited to see your secret boyfriend and stow away for hours where you could be yourself and kiss who you wanted without fear of anything.

beau didn't know how he enjoyed life before ellis. he didn't know how he even said no to ellis in the first place. though they had only been dating for a few weeks, beau had never been happier than he was now.

an evening after practice, after they showered (together, obviously) they sat on ellis's living room couch looking over college acceptance letters. beau, always the little spoon, sat in the crook of ellis's arm.

"ooh, baby. this one is nice. they're offering you a full ride!" ellis said excitedly, looking over one of beau's college choices. beau shrugged his shoulders. "yeah, they're alright i guess." he muttered sullenly.

ellis looked down at him in surprise. "what is that tone for? you don't like this school? it's a D1!" beau colored red under his dark chocolate skin. to an outsider, it would be nearly unrecognizable as a blush, but ellis knew his boyfriend well.

"oh, no. you're blushing. tell me what it is!" beau shook his head. "it's nothing el. it's silly." ellis turned beau to face him, and beau, the taller of the two, avoided looking down into ellis's eyes.

"i love silly, baby. now tell me." beau tried to ignore Ellis's puppy dog face. he knew how manipulative ellis could make that face. finally, he conceded. he could literally never say no to ellis. (clearly, as he is in a whole ass relationship with ellis despite his initial resistance.)

beau sighed, "oh my fucking hell, fine. it's just... it's farther away from you than i wanted to be."
ellis raised one dark eyebrow. "oh, so you've been thinking about us after high school?"  beau sharply pulled back from ellis at his words.

"you haven't?" he asked warily.

ellis scoffed. "of course i have. you forget i've been the one head over heels for you before you even realized you liked dick. excuse me, i mean before you realized you liked my dick."

beau sighed. "i am so fucking mad at myself. we could've skipped all that stupid ass drama and gone straight to fucking had i been a bit more drunk at that party."

ellis laughed. "while we are on this topic, i have a confession to make. i was never drunk when i kissed you. yeah, i was a bit tipsy, but that was only to give me the courage to finally make a move on you. hell, you're the only reason i went to that party. austin told me your team would be there. i was supposed to fuck him that night, and then i saw you."

beau raised an eyebrow. "wow. i should feel deceived, but i really don't. glad you didn't fuck that nigga."

ellis nuzzled his head against beau's locs. "nah, it's always been you. it'll always be you too. you're my obsession."

beau breathed a sigh of relief. "okay good. it's just that I have been thinking about us after high school. i mean, we only have a couple months left and... i'm not even close to ready to let this go."

ellis sighed and dragged beau back down into his arms. beau rested his head on ellis's chest and breathed in the scent of mint.

"beau, two hours is literally nothing in the grand scheme of things. VT and WFU are even in the same division so we'll probably do what we do best and rival each other. wouldn't that be hot? we could have hot and sweaty post-game sex like, right after."

beau warmed up to the thought of that. "yeah.... but i want to be close to you whenever i want. plus, i want to play with you for once. share in a victory."

ellis smirked and wagged his eyebrows. "you already do play with me. plus, any day with you is a victory for me. I literally had to win you over for months. sweetest victory i've ever gotten."

beau punched his boyfriends shoulder. "stop being so fucking sweet and nasty at the same time. you know what it does to me and we've already fucked once today."

ellis three his head back and laughed. "honestly you can never fuck enough, though, baby. come on, what do you say to a quickie right here in the couch?"

beau rolled his eyes. "i don't think your parents would enjoy seeing you ram your dick into my bare ass on this fancy couch."

ellis looked at his watch that rested on his tan arm. "they won't be home for another two hours. we could fit like five quickies in before they got back. plus, what happened to that late night danger side of you when we fucked on that beach?"

beau recalled that memory and nearly groaned at how hard his dick became at the mere thought of what ellis did to him that night. he rolled his eyes but threw a leg over his boyfriend to straddle him.

all the papers they'd been looking at fell to the floor as ellis grabbed beau's hips and held them into place.

beau leaned down and began kissing Ellis's sensitive spot right in the crevice of his collarbone. he expertly nipped and sucked at the protruding bone and groaned when he felt ellis automatically respond.

beau gasped when ellis clenched beau's waistin his fingers and jerked his hips up to meet beau's. beau, having gone commando, felt how hard ellis was already and smirked. ellis was always horny.

as if to prove a point, ellis aggressively ripped at beau's sweat pants and ripped the strings off in the process.

beau pulled away in annoyance. "well that's fucking rude. these are my favorite pair." ellis groaned. "i'll buy you a new pair if that's what you are worried about, damn it. god knows I can afford it."

beau smirks. "I love me a loyal sugar daddy. throw in a new shirt too, and I'll forget all about it."

ellis growled. "shut the fuck up and i'll buy you whatever you want." before beau could even respond, ellis had already shoved his hand down beau's sweatpants.

as ellis's hand expertly went to work, beau forgot all about what he wanted to say.

he thinks he might be in love.

Get the FUCK ready because shit is really about to hit the metaphorical fan. I'm about to wreck these boys LIVES and have NO regrets about doing it either. To make it even more heartbreaking, I'm going to include a few more heart-warming fluffy chapters.
Don't be too scared though, y'all. I'm not completely* heartless. It won't be as bad as I'm acting like it will me.

* lol or will it?

Are they not the cutest tho? I really enjoy them

Only Fools|| BoyxboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon