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"Thank you for joining us Alec."

"Spencer you're practically kidnapp-"

"Enough child. Speak no more." Alec was shook. This was so out of character for Spencer and he didn't understand what was going on. One second he was walking around the school's parking lot, the next he was being dragged into a silver honda accord by a somewhat weak shadowy figure. Who, also turned out to be Spencer forcing him into Spencer's mom's car.

"Listen, Spencer, can you please tell me what's going on?"

"No more speak, me begging you." There's the Spencer he knew. Not able to make up profound sounding sentences. Alec slumped down in the passenger seat he's been forced into and stared out of the window. Once he calmed down Spencer started the car and they were off.

The entire car ride Alec stayed civil towards his friend and decided on picking at the loose threads on his shirt to busy his mind while Spencer drove. It was because of this that Alec didn't know where they were going.

"We're here dudeski!" Alec looked up and was almost blinded by the intense fluorescent lighting that filled his vision. They were at Taco Hell. The guys hopped out of the car, but not without the wizard robe that Spencer had borrowed from Derek getting caught in the car door when he closed it and having to make Alec open the door from the inside since he had also left the key in the cupholder.

"Hola mi hombres!" Spencer screeched into Taco Hell. Bryan looked up from the register uninterested and frankly used to this occurrence. Spencer waltzed around the dining tables, which had a small family of four at one. To which the mother of the family covered her kids eyes when Spencer twirled around and accidentally leg-flashed the family with his chewbacca hairy legs. He then settled on hopping over the register and into the kitchen. Then returning with a whiteboard with a few pictures at the top and "Alec" written in big red lettering at the top. "Okay Alec. Your initiation starts now."

"Shoot, am I late?" The group all turned around to face a panting and sweaty Connor.

"Naw dude, actually just in time." Connor nodded at Spencer and then took his place on the right side of the whiteboard, closest to Alec. "Okay, now that we're all here I'll start with the traditional first paycheck. Connor!" Connor had perked up from his haze at the mention of his name. "The check!" Connor rifled through his jean pockets until he found Alec's check. Spencer then proceeded to hand off the check to Alec. Once the transfer had been completed Spencer did a little turn in his robe to face the whiteboard and then snatched a marker off the bottom part of the board. "Okay, so first thing first my broski. You'll have to complete four tasks within one week." Spencer started writing furiously on the board under Alec's name. As Connor repeated what Spencer was writing.

"Task one, you must snort a line of paprika. Task two, sneak into an art exhibit without getting caught. I'll text you the details. Task three, become short lived two base lovers with a shark at the local aquarium. Then, break it's heart. Task four, your last task, sacrifice something special of yours to the Taco Devil. You'll figure out more once you complete task one." Once Spencer had finish writing Connor grabbed a bottle out of his pocket and set it down on the bottom part of the whiteboard. Once he had done this, Spencer moved closer to Alec and rested his hand unto Alec's shoulder. "My child, if you will please complete task one of the initiation." Alec nodded, know what he had to do. He made his way over to whiteboard and grabbed the bottle of crimson colored spice. Then, he headed to one of the tables in the dining area and popped open the bottle. Letting the paprika sprinkle unto the table in uneven shakes. He then took out an Applebee's gift card from his wallet and formed the paprika into one line, staining the table and the gift card dark red in the process. He then lent his head down in front of the line and did the deed. Taking a long snort of the paprika and sniffing it all in. He then coughed and reopened his watery eyes. The paprika slightly burned the back of his throat as it went down, making Alec almost hack it back up.

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