Lex returns

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Major had just landed in the cosmodrom when a message came into her ghost. -We've got an incoming transmission from the vanguard-

"Patch it through ghost. I think I've seen something." Major walked across the baren wasteland, Weaving through rubble and metal scraps. She thought she saw something shiny, like the tip of the staff. Or something. Currently she seemed to be the only one around. No fallen, no hive, no guardians. Just her. "Anything?? I'm getting worried about them." Cayde's voice came through her commlink.

"Not yet, Although there is something at the top of the cliff here. I need to scale it." She started scaling the cliff, the graveyard of planes below her. "If you spot the target. I know about the history. You are not permitted to engage. Under any circumstances." Major stopped near the top of the cliff. "What? But Cayde! This is my responsibility, Ikora and Zavala are in real trouble and you don't want me to help them?" 

"I will come myself when you find them. I want you to help. But that's not going to happen without me. You understand?" Major gave a disgruntled sound before pulling herself up to the top of the cliff. The Rusted wasteland below her, her cloak fluttered in the breeze as she walked away from the cliff edge. She walked for a couple minutes before hearing voices. She couldn't make out what they were saying but she knew it was her target. "Hey Cayde. You might want to bring yourself and some back up. I think I may have found them. I've not gotten eye contact yet, but the voices I'm hearing would make sense to be Ikora and Zavala." She got to a ridge overlooking a small canyon. That's when she saw it. A huge meeting of fallen with Vexsis at the forefront. A splicer banner draped over the nearby rock. She looked around some more, Lying against the rock as to not be seen. She saw them, Ikora and Zavala. They were suspended in blue bubbles. They looked like Arc energy, as small sparks bolted across the surfaces. Major could tell that the Vanguards were struggling, Zavala was trying to punch at his prison, Ikora was sat on the floor, leaning against the bubble, her eyes half open. They were drained and Major could see it. 

She shuffled away from the cliff edge again, "Cayde. Ive gotten a visual, Its Ikora and Zavala. It's not looking good." She heard a sound from behind her turning around she saw a figure behind her cloaked in shadow. "Major, please dont be alarmed." It was Lex's voice. But the figure infront of her didnt look like Lex. The figure was wrapped in a warlock robe, not her usual hunter atire. "Look, This splicer has my staff. He stole it from me using some siva technology. I need your help." She offered a hand to the hunter. The hunter looked at the hand. Then took it. "Of course mistress. How can I assist?" 

"I need your body, sorry about this." Before she could fight it, Major felt a surge of power through her body, her senses burned with a power she had never felt. She wasnt uncomfortable but felt all control leave her, The surge continued to become stronger eventually Major was falling into a slumber. A power taking control of her body. The last thing she saw was Lex disappearing as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. When she awoke she found herself in a familiar field of purple flowers. Where she first met Lex. She felt calm. Where ever this place was she was safe here. 

"We've lost contact with Major. What did you want to do?" Eberus asked, he had joined the vanguard with Frey. Cayde thought. He really didn't know. "I, I want to go. But. Hey can you get these off?" He threw up his wrist's. The light inhibitors clearly visible. The two warlocks looked at each other. Then looked back at the vanguard. "We can. Hold your arms out. Palms up. Eberus, take the left gauntlet. I'll do the right." Cayde looked a little unsettled but listened to the warlocks instructions. Eberus generated a void field in his hands, While Frey created a solar flare. Cayde felt the light of the warlocks radiating around him. He looked across his wrists. Eberus broke the bond on his left hand, the inhibitor band falling into the warlocks hands. He looked over to Frey, Who managed to break the bond on his right hand. Cayde felt the travellers light flow throught him. His eyes fading from blue into a fiery orange. "Thank you. Now. You two stay here. I've got to save my fireteam." 

Frey put a hand on Cayde's shoulder. "Your not going without us. Ikora is our vanguard leader. And Zavala is commander of this city. We need to guarantee we get them back safely. Even if that means we just retrieve them and bring them home. You cant do it alone." Cayde looked away for a second, The warlock was right technically speaking. "Alright, come on. We need to hurry." Cayde summoned a small vortex in his right hand. Feeling the power that now surged through him. He threw it infront of him. It summoned a fiery portal Cayde walked through first. Followed on by the two warlocks. The portal closed behind them, they were on the cliff edge where Major was. 

"Hello, Cayde." A voice sounded. It sounded distorted. "I know how you feel about this but it was the only way." 

The group turned around to find Major behind them. "Major? What are you talking about?" Frey smiled and begain to walk over, But Cayde put a hand out to stop him. Frey gave a confused look. 

Cayde felt the power instantly. He could see it in her eyes. This person in front of them, was Major. But wasn't. "That is not Major. You two stay behind me." Cayde walked so he was in front of the two warlocks. "What are you doing here? You shouldn't be on earth. You know the implications!!" Major's eyes didn't glow the usual green, They were a deep shade of purple. Her cloak fluttered but there was no breeze. Power flowed through her. "I know. But the splicer has my staff. The dangers of that are far greater, so here I am."

"Cayde what is this...?" Frey was uneasy, he had grabbed a gun in the time and now had it pointed at Major. "Warlock please understand, You will hurt your friend if you shoot me. I currently have possession. You have met me before. Lex, if you remember." 

"Possession. Possession! Do you know how harmful that can be!" Frey had raised his voice slightly. The usually calm warlock seemed agitated. "Yes, but..." Lex had started

"But no! Possession almost killed me! Back in the Vault if you remember??" Lex looked down but then back at the warlock. Cayde had moved off to the side. "I know. The way she connected to you was a kind of possession. But be assured she will suffer no consequences from this. You have to trust me warlock."

"How can I trust someone who thinks there are no consequences?! Everything has a consequence!" Frey's voice was loud. He was almost shouting. His anger was bubbling beneath the surface. How could she think that it was nothing. Lex sighed. She walked over to him. "Look, the way Major would conduct herself in the upcoming fight would put the motive of retrieving the staff in jeopardy. It is vital we get it back. She is here. But cannot be. It is safer this way."

"How is it safer this way? What possible problem could be caused that hasn't been caused already by this?!" Frey was becoming angry. Implications? Possession? He felt his anger bubble to the surface. His eyes now a deep red, The fire inside taking control. "Spark." He heard Eberus besides him. "Spark listen to me. Calm down, Lex is the being we met on mercury. The one who helped you." Frey squeezed his eyes shut. He was so angry, possession  of someone has serious backlash on the host. He felt two arms wrap themselves around him. Eberus spoke into his ear softly. "Spark, please. We can be angry later. Now we have to work with them." Frey's eyes softened but he was still tense. "Eberus, the vault." Eberus put his chin on Frey's shoulder. Their eyes met for a moment. "I know spark, I know. But that's in the past." Frey's anger frizzled away. He held onto Eberus for a long time. Before letting go. 

"I. I'm sorry. I just, I'm so afraid of that pain. I don't want to go through it again, and wouldn't want anyone else too." Frey finally spoke before looking away. He looked back at Major, well, Lex. "It's quite alright. Fear caused anger and pain. After this is all over come and see me on mercury. I want to help you with this fear." Frey just nodded. He gripped his elbows. Standing there for a while. 

Cayde broke the silence. "Yes, now can we actually do what we came here to do. Having the power of multiple hunter vanguards flow through you all at once is very, well, its uncomfortable." The warlocks nodded, Lex did as well. 

"Well. From what Major saw, Ikora and Zavala are in separate prisions, the area is surrounded by fallen, but we can deal with them quite quickly. Vexsis is the one to worry about. The staff he holds has the power to kill you with a single tap. Please keep your distance. Cayde, you should be able to take a hit but I wouldn't recommend it. We have to move quickly. I'll lead shall I. He most likely knows Major is here. The void light he stole from her would have told him. Now, we need to go. Come on."

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