Finding the problem

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"So what do you think then?" The gunslinger asked the Nightstalker as they walked along the pavement towards the consensus building. The Nightstalker gave a noticed hum before continuing onward.  They turned a corner "Don't you think somethings happened. I mean they are a the vanguard.  Like the most powerful guardian's.  Surely they can't be harmed that easily.  Right?" The gunslinger walked ahead of the Nightstalker without noticing she had stopped. "Umm. K." There wasn't a reply. "K. You need to slow down. Let me think for a second." The gunslinger kept walking. The Nightstalker gave a small sigh and sprinted to catch up with her friend. They got to the large domed building. It was laced with decorative patterns and colours often added too. The Nightstalker stopped just shy of the door.  "Yep. There's a dark energy comming from this door. Inside somethig bad resides." The gunslinger walked in front of her friend. "Ehh! Major. You sound like a warlock, you feeling OK?" The Nightstalker shook her head. "Never mind me. We need to get in there fast! There's an entrance above us but you'd have to climb up there. Or you could use the main door. Your pick" 

The hunter thought for a minute then pointed up. "I'll head up. Stay here till I'm there" The Nightstalker nodded and moved to the door. After a few minutes she received.  "OK I'm in position just in the rafters before the main room. Ready for you. I hear stuff though so you better hurry." The night stalker removed her finger from her com link and went inside the building.  

It was filled with twist and turns. Which seemed impractical to the hunter. As she approached the main chamber. The hunter heard voices with in one of the chambers she couldn't make out what they were saying. Not yet. The voices came from all around her as the room echoed. Her hearing jumbled and distorted inside this room. Almost as if someone was preventing her from focusing on the voices them self's.
She focused. With her eyes closed she raised a hand up to her face and put two fingers against the wall. A small pulse of purple came from her fingers and quickly dispersed. A spell of some kind had been placed here to disorient people trying to help. One made of darkness. The voices were more focused now on a door to her right. " won't get away with this..." A male voice came first, he sounded weakened and defeated. "Zavala" The hunter quietly stated she looked over and ran to the door.

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