The Nightstalker defeated.

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The hunter vanguard looked on at the hunters movements as he shook his head. "I hate the fact that you've been able to create a fake reality right in front of my eyes." The warlock with the hunter moved her to a grassy patch and lay her there. "It doesn't normally work." The hunter vanguard gave the warlock a cold stare. "Doesn't 'normally' work??" The warlock gave a small laugh. "No. You guys have stronger wills than to fall prey to something this weak. It's working now because of the way the poison effects her body. I'd go into detail but it would bore you." The warlock paused as the hunter reached out to the grass. Her body became loose as she relaxed. Her instincts keeping her body functioning as it should while her mind became quieter she deep in a trance at this point. The warlock picked her up while the other grabbed her arm and placed it weakly around her neck. "Let's just say it only works on those who are severely weakened."

They turned to walk away when the vanguard stopped them. "Here. Let me help." He created a ball of solar light in his right hand. It slowly turned into a vortex as he looked into it. He nelt down and rolled it across the floor when it came to rest it grew into a portal. Which he beckoned the warlocks to follow him through. "I have to get back to my duties. Don't be too long Cayde." The crucible handler stated before moving around the portal and returning to the hall of guardian's. "Coming?" The vanguard stated before walking through the portal. The warlocks shrugged and followed him.

---Tower lever 12 - med bay ---

The medical part of the tower was always a bit crowded for Cayde's liking. But it served the tower well. In fact he had been here several times in the past. Previous injuries being too much for his ghost to handle so he reluctantly went some of the time. When he first entered there were guardians suffering a vareity of injuries. He scanned the room the same white walls greeted him, same beds, same people, there were four hunters (including himself and the hunter who had just come in with him) two titians and 3 warlocks in the room. The 'doctors' of the tower were a vareity of classes. Mostly warlocks who had taken the promise of protection (A warlock ceremony which confined them to the tower) and a few hunters who were on 'leave' from hunting. Cayde was never too sure why they would want to spend the 3 weeks in the tower they had here. But he never understood the hunter archive hunters either.

The warlock started hooking up the hunter to various devices at one of the beds. The hunter lay dormant. "Sir can I talk to you?" The other warlock said. The vanguard turned to the other warlock at a monitor next to another bed. "Sit there..." The warlock pointed towards a chair. The vanguard obliged and sat down. He instantly relaxed. "Man, sometimes I just need to take five minutes from my life. And sit down..." The warlock gave a small smile. "Sometimes taking time to one's self can relax a stressed mind. Don't forget you have the responsibility of not just your self on your shoulders. The speaker is missing. The vanguards too. You need to understand how much of an important asset you are to the tower. The city. You can't see that when your exhausted both in mind and in body."

The vanguard gave a smile and looked over to the warlock. "That's exactly what..." He sighed "What Ikora would say..." The warlock stood up after finding a file. Another warlock came over with a flask of red liquid. The warlock pointed over to the Nightstalker who seemed to be more comfortable. Then he went and nelt down next to the vanguard. "I know its hard to see her light sir. But you need to try and stay positive. Ikora and zavala know how to handle them self's." The vanguards eyes met with the warlocks. He then looked down at his right hand. "Not when the light is weakened..." He shook his head. " I think I need to rest..." The vanguard shook his head again after realising what he had said "What am I saying. The tower needs me..." He stood up only to fall down into the chair again.

The warlock shook his head. "Maybe not sir" He helped the vanguard up. "Now would you prefer to sleep here or in your quarter's?" Cayde gave the warlock a look. Then averted his gaze. He first looked at the floor then to the Nightstalker who was being given the last of the liquid. Then a different mask was placed over her mouth and nose. One that was green in colour. "Now what's on her face?" Cayde stated before moving around the bed. He fell back onto it. "I might have had more exposure to that stuff than I thought..." He gave a sigh. "Well sir that's a mask that helps remove any other chemicals that are in her body. While the antidote works, it works by killing the virus cells before...." The vanguard gave a small laugh. "That's enough info. I'll fall asleep just from listening to you" The warlock smiled. And helped the vanguard lay down. "You'll lay down now anyway. I need to run a test or two."

With that the warlock began to hook up a device on the wall. He began by removing Cayde's right gauntlet. The vanguard mark shone with a solar glow making the vanguard smile. The warlock noticed that a small remnant of arc light rest in the middle of the symbol. That the hunter had failed to notice. "Is it always like that?" The hunter looked up at the warlock and then at his mark. He gave that warlock a look. "Yeah. Why?" The warlock didn't say anything. He just pointed to the center of the mark. Where the arc light was. "I thought you were a gunslinger. But your mark glows with arc light as well as solar light."

The vanguard thought for a moment. "Do you know how the hunter vanguard gets their ability's?" The warlock was surprised at the sudden change of subject. "Isn't it the same as other vanguards?" Cayde shook his head. "Not at all. You see unlike the other vanguards who earn their abilitys. Hunters have the power transfered from vanguard to another. When andal died..." He paused and looked back at his hand. While the warlock was looking at a monitor. "When andal died his abilitys and all vanguards abilitys before him were transfered to me. This made me a vanguard. Right there. However my personal abilitys. Which I've not properly mastered yet. I need to have training to access them... training given by Ikora. My vanguard mentor..." his hand fell to his forehead. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "We will find them sir. We will bring them home safe. Until we find them, she would want you to stay strong and lead this tower, your way." The warlocks glowing eyes looked into the vanguards mind and calmed him. "You'll be okay. Now let's get you on your feet." The vanguard raised his hand he strained his eyes as he fought an unknown force in his mind. The warlock looked over him. He slowly put the vanguards hand down again. "Your fighting something..."

The vanguard place his hand over his eyes. "The light... calls..." The warlock widened his eyes as he realised. "Sir you need to relax. Fighting this will only make it worse." He placed his hand down at his side. His normal blue eyes now an orange colour. The mark on his hand now glowed almost violently. But it caused no pain to the vanguard. His eyes were half closed at this point. As the sensation in his mind became stronger. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Relax... let the light be your guide. We await your return." The warlock called over a hunter. This hunter, a gunslinger, raised a finger and wrote out a rune in solar light above the vanguard. Then he place his rune to the vanguards face. This made the vanguard fall into a sleep.

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