The meeting of the hunter council

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"Me? You were gonna mention me." The exo Nightstalker entered the room and wrapped her arms around both the other hunters. The vanguard smiled. "There's the smile I fight to protect. Now this is a meeting of the advisors. What's going on?" Cayde waved a hand over to them and beckoned them to the opposite side of the table.

"As you are aware zavala and Ikora are currently missing in action. This has been our main priority however according to the report your friend gave 'Major' the consensus wasn't there either. Either they have also been taken by this splicer or they booked it as fast as they could." The blade dancer rested his arms on the table "What would this guy want with a bunch of politician's anyway..." The gunslinger then moved around the table. "You don't get it do you enigma? There were guardians with them. Powerful ones. I would know I've been posted there a few times." The blade dancer looked a cross to his friend. " I get it you've had to do the boring guard duty while I get to do all the fun work on the front lines. No need to brag Lana." The gunslinger was quite offended by this remark. She was about to move towards the blade dancer when the vanguard simply said "Argue like a married couple another time please."

Both guardian's nodded in unison. Both giving angry faces at the other. "The problem is that not only are zavala and Ikora not here.  The speakers not been seen for weeks. It's only... me. I never wanted this..." He rubbed his optics wih his hand. The hunters gave their vanguard a unified look of confusion. But they kind of understood. The night stalker was the first to say something. "Sir. Sorry. Cayde. I know you don't like leadership heck... I don't get why titians and warlocks do. But we have to deal with it. We always do. You lead the dreadnaught campaign against their wishes. Why are you so afraid? No rubbish.... the truth." Her green optics were like glass that cut into his mind. But it caused no pain. He looked towards the floor as the hunters looked intently at his actions. He felt almost compelled to say why. "Guardian I've spoken to you about void light against guardian's who don't use it. Even me." The Nightstalker simply smiled leant back against the shelfs of books behind her. "Can't remember. Sorry."

The vanguard rolled his eyes. All of a sudden he felt something, a pull from the void. But not the same one as he felt before. He raised a hand over his map and let light be his guide. He felt a pull towards one of the the towers dotted across it. His hand moved towards it and he place it down onto it. Suddenly a purple spiral emerged from the paper and created an image. The warlock vanguards voice heard.  His eyes widened as he reconised the warlocks voice.

"I should have spent more time training his light for this..." The titian came into view as he turned to her. "What do you mean?" The warlock vanguard looked down at her hand then turned to her companion. "Zavala... Cayde's not ready..." The titian looked surprised. "What do you mean? You did allow him to take them off at least once right?" The warlock simply shook her head. "Does he know how to get them removed?? Ikora this is serious!" She stood up and moved away from the titian. "I know. I was going to after this consensus meeting was over.... But it went south... he always told me that he was fine without having to take them off... but... I... I...."

The void spiral begain to fade. The hunter vanguard hastily tried to keep the message going but to no avail. His friends vanished and he lowered his head. The hunters looked confused "Cayde. What does he mean by  take them off? Take what off?" The hunter gave a small smile. "I'm guessing he means my light exhibitors"

A collection of confused looks spread around the room. The gunslinger spoke up first. "Arnt those the things given to warlocks when they take that oath thing..." The bladedancer looked at his friend in disbelief. "Lana you can't be serious. Cayde's not a warlock..." He paused. "Your not, are you?" Cayde shook his head. Giving are small smile as he looked at his hands. "They are ones designed for me to keep my light undercontroll." He looked around he room. "Because apparently I'm to powerful for my own good and I need to be restrained... not that it's my fault..."  Silence fell over he room as the vanguard thought for what felt like forever. Footsteps broke his trail of thought as the warlock returned.

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