Tystianlor: Vengeance Incarnate

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The warlock read the Tome of Dreadful Summoning. Somehow, with the blood from the demon hunter, the tome reveals the name of the demon.


He remembered the blood and vengeance he had over the Dread Lord. He remembered his simple life as a Light worshipping priest, being a father figure at the Fairbreeze Village many suns ago. His twin sons, Solanaar and Paalanar, both aspired to be Light-worshipping paladins.

He remembered that day. On that day, when the undead broke onto the defenses of Quel'thalas and Silvermoon City, when his village was attacked by the undead. When the Scourge laid siege upon their village, he had to rush to the frontlines to support it. That is when he saw the final bastion of the Sin'dorei of the village against the innumerable undead. His beautiful twin sons were swinging their unsharpened swords against the ghouls with their claws and fangs. The rangers and the magisters have fallen.

Solanaar swung his blade on the ghoul and was incapicated on his left leg. He summoned upon the power of the Light to heal his son and Solanaar's leg stood strongly. He called for protection and strength for his sons to defeat the pack of ghouls. Filled with Inner Fire, Palanaar then call upon holy hammers and blades to aid them against the undead. Consecration of light suddenly appeared underneath Solanaar pulling the ghouls towards him while his brother damaged and finished the rest. Their dull and grey blades suddenly become sharp and golden, and their last stand on the ground become a bastion of light and hope against the undead.

One by one, the undead Scourge fell onto the blighted ground. And when the dust settled and the undead were dead again, the twins cheered of victory while the father's heart become more and more heated.

Something is amiss. Thought Tystianlor on that day. He wanted to take a breath of relief, and yet his heart and his mind sensed something else.

Shadows came from the blighted lands, and the sun disappeared beneath the clouds and darkness engulfed the land. A winged horned demon came from behind and stabbed both of his sons with its poisoned claws. The vanguard falls and the undead risen again for their second march.

Tystianlor then remembered the screaming from his sons and the laughter from the winged, horned demon. He remembered he was pulled by a battle-mage and his sons were left screaming and agonized by the poison. As he went through the portal conjured by the battle-mage, he can see his sons writhing on the blighted ground and Solanaar's face being eaten by one of the ghoul as the winged, horned demon coordinated the raze of his village.

He spent years recovering under the refuge of Silvermoon City, after the city defenses has fallen, and its source of magical power was tainted by the undead Scourge. He could no longer call upon the holy light to heal or to infuse warriors with power and he was ousted by the priesthood in Silvermoon. His mind can only focus on one thing - vengeance, for his fallen sons, and on the demon that stabbed them from darkness.

He spent many moons sneaking up into the Royal Library looking for any knowledge of demons. His studied upon the most of the demons, the imps, the felhunters, the void lord, the observer, the shivarra, the mo'arg and then he found it, a demon with wings and horn, and claws for their finger, sometimes laced poison. The Nathrezim. Often commanders of the other smaller demons and have higher intelligence, some rare Nathrezim can perform necromancy like the one Tystianlor had encountered at Fairbreeze Village. Despite the dark and horrendous truth he learnt about the demons in the Royal Library, he can't help but to become fascinated by their tenacity.

He wanted to avenge his sons yet the Light had forsaken him. Then on one day, he left the safety of Silvermoon City and rode to Fairbreeze Village where his sons fall. Only rangers and magisters have been allowed out of the city gates, as a fallen priest, he can still use mind control spell on unsuspecting guards and slip past their watch. He brought only the tome which he recorded all his findings of the demons he found from the Royal Library.

Looking back at the destruction of Eversong Woods and the scar of blight that divided the land, sadness and sorrow filled his heart and soul. When he reached the vanguard border at Fairbreeze, he can see the remnants of his home, the abandoned port, and the forsaken town.

As he uncovered the blight-ridden land to search for his sons' remnants, he opened up his tome and flicked for the marked page and chanted for the spell that he had found. Then the blight start to move as the sky darkens and a small purple portal opened. A felhunter, small and creaking came out from it. Its four limbs claws the dirt on the ground while its scaled body and the antennas on its forehead protruding outwards looking for sources of magic.

Tystianlor wanted to put the felhunter under his command, but to no avail. The felhunter ran scattering to a pile of body on the blight, seeming in a hurry to find someone. Tystianlor followed the felhunter to the pile and found that it was pulling out Palanaar, and another body with a disfigured face. Then the ground behind him shook and he realised the portal behind him was still opened.

Struggling, he tried to flicked through the pages to find a spell to close the Nether portal, before demons coming out and overwhelmed him. Then he see it, the familiar winged demon coming from the fel-scarred landscape behind the portal.

"It looks like one of my hounds has escaped the kennel," the demon pointed at the felhunter.

Weaponless, Tystianlor raised his fists on the towering demons. "YOU KILLED MY SONS!"

The demon glanced at the elf nonchalantly, "Look at what we have here, a pathetic weakling that tried to open a portal to the Nether. You've managed to attract one of my hounds. What can you do with it?"

The demon ignored Tystianlor and walked pass by him. He looked at the two dead elves that the felhunter dug and smirked.

"I remembered the fight. Your two broods managed to stand the ground against a legion of my company. They will make an excellent Lieutenant of mine." the demon cackled.

Feeling the rising dread, Tystianlor charged to the towering demon with his punch to its torso yet to no avail. The Nathrezim flicked him like a fly and Tystianlor was sent flying to the felhunter. His visions became blurry.

With a few spells, the Nathrezim raised the two elves from dead and into his servitude. Palanaar and Solanaar picked up their broken swords and shattered shields. Broken, Tystianlor can only managed to scream and struggle at the Nathrezim. Then the felhunter looked directly into his eyes.

Jhaalum. Remember this name and I am in a blood bound with you, elf. The felhunter seemed to be speaking with him.

Jhaalum, help me avenge my sons. Help me to stop that Nathrezim. Tystianlor asked.

I will help you, Tystianlor, but you need to close the portal before my brethren come to me. The felhunter reasoned.

I don't know how.

I will show you, warlock.

As the demon left with his two lieutenants into the portal, he can see hordes of felhunter and felguards coming towards them. He chanted the words from the felhunter and the portal closed. 

As he pay his attention back to the Tome, Jhaalum the observer appeared from a portal.

"Well Tystianlor, it has been a long journey."

"You was a felhunter before you become this tentacle, one-eyed, wise demon," Tystianlor replied.

"I have always been wise."

Tystianlor stopped, "What will happen after I summon him, Jhaalum."

Jhaalum eyed at the warlock, "Vengeance, for both of us."

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