Participant Form

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This is the participant form

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This is the participant form. I will make an  example for you all to see in how fill it. Please only submit your forms in the inline comments to your respective divisions. Submittions made on the one, normal comment box and message board will not be entertained. I will clarify the divisions after the sample form.

Sample form:

Author: @/monobabe_
Book: lovers at night • kim taehyung au
Category: Solo Taehyung
Story Status: On going  (If you're story is completed please say so)
Themes included: (is it mature or not. If so explain about your themes.) Not mature however there is mention of psychological disorder but nothing graphic is mentioned. There is one chapter that is a bit graphic in terms of abuse but it is not been romanticized and there is a "trigger warning" beforehand.
Description: (I want to taste a small drop of your your story. I want you to make me hooked on to the first sentence that you write)
Tags: (at least 5 accounts)

Now you all know how to fill your forms. Next, I will explain about your category divisions.

There are total 3 divisions which include 14 categories and they are:

There are total 3 divisions which include 14 categories and they are:

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Solo Member Division or Blue Divsion

• Solo Namjoon [0/5]
• Solo Seokjin [0/5]
• Solo Yoongi [0/5]
• Solo Hoseok [0/5]
• Solo Jimin [0/5]
• Solo Taehyung [0/5]
• Solo Jungkook [0/5]

• Solo Namjoon [0/5]• Solo Seokjin [0/5]• Solo Yoongi [0/5]• Solo Hoseok [0/5]• Solo Jimin [0/5]• Solo Taehyung [0/5]• Solo Jungkook [0/5]

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OT7 Division or Yellow Divsion

• Whole BTS [0/3]

Ship Division (BoyxBoy) or White Division

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Ship Division (BoyxBoy) or White Division

• Namjin [0/3]
• Sope [0/3]
• Yoonmin [0/3]
• Vmin [0/3]
• Taekook [0/3]
• Jikook [0/3]

Now since there is only one person i.e me these are a lot of books to judge now let's do some math. There are 3 divisions that have 14 categories which include 56 books and I have to judge 80 chapters. This is only the ideal case. On top of this my exams start on 10th of December and they finish in 21st of December and there isn't a holiday between the exams. Only one Sunday and maybe one weekday. That's two weeks of continuous exams.

I hope you are all patient with me and enjoy this. Originally there were only 5 ship categories but I said I need another category.

The winners hopefully will be announced in the month of January 2019. The judging period will start after my exams. Don't worry, I will update you all with all the notices.

Until my exams are finished these awards at open to all participants.

Since, there are very limited number of books, the selection will be strict not too strict to the point it's unfair. If your book is not selected  don't worry I'll probably read it personally so you don't feel left out 😊

When you're book is selected, I will inform you via pms. If I have time then I shall inform you during my exams week but if not I'll inform you before the judging period will start.

If you see me not update this chapter regularly about changing the numbers of the books which have been selected. It is because I'm busy but not worry I'll write it somewhere. I hope you understand my position😊

And if you have any queries please inform me via pms or the message board!

And if you have any queries please inform me via pms or the message board!

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