Your face lit up as the memories hit you, clearly recognising his name and face now. "Wait, so you're Brad? As in Anne-Marie's son?" Brad nodded approvingly with a smirk dancing on his lips. "I totally remember you now, sorry it took me so long." You apologised with a little awkward laugh, mentally cursing yourself once again.

Every thought that went through your mind at that moment was related to the guy standing in front of you, and how good he looks in his suit and bow tie. Your mind went back to when you were twelve years old and had a childish crush on him. Just a teeny tiny little crush you had to get over with as soon as your family moved away from town.

"It's alright, love." He winked an eye at you and shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in like, what, ten years?"

"Has it really been that long?" You asked with a small chuckle. "But I'm great, uni keeps me really busy but I'm managing to handle a job." You began, playing with your rings. "Nothing big, I just work with my dad in his shop, but the money is good." Brad nodded his head and you tried your best to ignore his intense brown eyes. "What have you been up to?"

"Nothing major, I-uh," he started, rubbing the back of this neck. "Remember how I used to play guitar?" You nodded in response. "I now write songs from time to time." He quickly made up, although it wasn't completely a lie, it wasn't exactly the truth.

Truth is, he was in a pretty successful band that has been touring for five years now. But for some reason, Brad didn't want you to know that. He was scared you'd see him differently, prior experiences led him to be more careful whenever he revealed personal information. If someone recognised him, cool. And if someone didn't, that's cool too, because it allows him to be himself and it saves him the heartbreak from knowing that the other person is just attracted to his fame.

Being in the music industry isn't all fun and games. Although it may look like it in the beginning, soon enough it gets overwhelming and you have to learn how to deal with it. Brad didn't let all his success change him and he was always true to himself, no matter what. He wasn't the kind of guy to walk around bragging about his career and successful life. He's been through a lot because of people using him for who he is to the world, and it allowed him to build a shield to protect himself from that.

Although you used to be friends before, Brad didn't know what your true intentions might be now. As soon as he realised you didn't recognise him, he decided that telling you about his career wouldn't be necessary, at least for now. He just wanted to be the Brad that was once best friends with you.

He just wanted to be himself.

"That's great," you gave him a smile. "Do you play any other instruments?"

"Piano and bass, yeah," he nodded. "I'm not a pro with drums, but I try my best." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

You scoffed, knowing it wasn't true. "I bet you're great."

"Perhaps you'll listen to me play some time, if the opportunity comes." He flirted, slightly winking his left eye.

Heat rose up to your cheeks and you prayed he wouldn't be able to notice. He obviously did, but decided not to tease you for it.

Instead, he offered you his hand and said, "would you like to join me on the dance floor?"

You grinned at him and took a second to analyse your options; go back to your table and deal with your family members gossiping before proceeding to embarrass you with their dance moves, or join the handsome young man standing in front of you with a cheeky grin, and who was once your best friend.

Anyone on their right mind would've gone for option two, and you were no exception.

You took his hand with a small smile dancing on your lips and Brad guided you to the dance floor, where several people were enjoying themselves. Luckily, you didn't see any of your close relatives dancing.

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