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Today I had an event to attend to;The Mercedes Benz company called me to promote their new model and I was down

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Today I had an event to attend to;The Mercedes Benz company called me to promote their new model and I was down.The event was tonight and Miracle would be at her grandmother's house while I take care of business.

After dressing Miracle up in pink dress, denim jacket and yellow Nike sneakers.Her hair in a messy ponytail.

I had a 5 minute shower then moisturised my body and put on my black undergarments

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I had a 5 minute shower then moisturised my body and put on my black undergarments.My outfit choice was a camo jumpsuit with black ankle boots.I did my face up and put gloss on my lips.

I went into the kitchen and made Miracle cereal while she ate,I made her lunch which consisted of mini chicken nuggets, sauce,grapes and one Natella sandwich with a juice

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I went into the kitchen and made Miracle cereal while she ate,I made her lunch which consisted of mini chicken nuggets, sauce,grapes and one Natella sandwich with a juice.

"Mummy I want to call daddy." Miracle whined as I put her in her carseat.

I closed her door and jumped into the drivers seat,"I taught you how to say please if you need something and thank you when I give it to you. " I said as I put on my seatbelt.

Miracle pouted,"Please mummy." She looked at me,I took out my phone and FaceTimed Shane.I hoped he would answer to speak to her quickly because he was probably busy.I handed her the phone and push started the ignition.

We finally arrived at school and I got out to unbuckle Miracle from her seat.When I opened the car door I noticed she was crying.

"What happened Chubby cheeks?" I asked her.

She picked up the phone from her lap and handed it to me,"Daddy didn't answer!" She crossed her arms angrily.

"Oh baby,Mummy's so sorry.I'll punch him in his ugly face." I joked causing her to giggle,"Now wipe those tears.Mummy hates seeing you cry like this." I unbuckled her seatbelt and took her out of my car.I knelt to her level,"I am sure daddy was a bit busy with work but he will call you.Now smiles because Mummy and Daddy love you so so much." Miracle giggled as I placed million kisses on her face and tickled her.

I needed her not to feel as if Shane did not love her because he did.I just had to be there to remind her that he would catch bullets for her.Shane's career needed patience and understanding of why certain situations happened and I had zero chill for that shit.

But for Miracle,I hoped she would understand better than me.She kissed my cheek before giving me a big hug and running to meet Miss Rosé.


I put the car off and jumped off to carry sleeping Miracle into my mother's house.She had a long day looks like.

My mother opened the door for me and she took Miracle out of my arms and went to put her down in her room. Miracle is a princess everywhere.

I walked into the kitchen and poured myself some cold lemonade.Mama still makes a good 'ole lemonade.I sat down in the living, my mother came in and sat down.

"Miracle has grown." My mother huffed.

I giggled,"My baby eats!How're you doing though?" I smiled.

"I'm good baby,how are you doing? Shane called me the other day." My mother and Shane fell in love since I brought him home to meet her.They have a great relationship that sometimes pisses me off because if Shane and I get into a disagreement its my fault or she somehow takes his side.

I rolled my eyes,"What did he say?" I pretended to be interested.

"That he can't wait to see me and he would bring me presents."

"Let's pray he remembers Miracle's present." I sucked my teeth.

My mother shrugged her shoulders,"Nadia he will.Why do you except the least in him?" She looked at me.

Here we go...

"Ma I was just saying like no hard feelings." I laughed lightly.

"Nadia you know that I have hope that Shane and you get back together."

"Ma!" I shook my head as tears fell down my cheeks.She knows how much of pain I went through for Shane and our relationship.My mother was there when he wouldn't answer my calls,let me wait for something that was not even promised and when I found out that he cheated on me.

Yet she sits here today and tells me she wants me to go back to that relationship.Shane broke my trust,our love meant nothing to him.I wiped my tears,"Oh Nana,I never meant to--"

I interrupted her,"You know what Mum,it's cool.Everyday I try my hardest to forget about what Shane and I could of been but it's hard.I don't want think I want that anymore." My warm tears just kept falling.

"He hurt me,betrayed me and I don't think I would love to see part two." I got up and grabbed my phone so did my mother.

She held my shoulders and looked me dead into my eyes,"I understand your pain because I was there for it all but he has changed Nadia.I just hope you will be able to forgive him..."

I hugged my mother,"The caterers and the organiser will be here in the morning to set up everything. See you tomorrow. " I kissed her cheek and headed for the door.

Miracle's birthday party will be held at my mother's house because it has a bigger yard and can accommodate a lot of guest. I push started the ignition and pulled out of my mother's drive way straight home to get ready for tonight's event.

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